"You stay here and go to sleep" he gets off. I try so hard not to wimp as he leaves. We were so close just a few inches away all he needed was a small push. Why did Sophia have to come home exactly at this moment? "I have to let Sophia know that I'm okay" I try to get up but it seems like gravity has increase my weight. "I'll let her know now you stay here and sleep" he tucks me in. I take my last sniff of him. He leans in maybe he is still going to kiss me. Instead of kissing my on the lips he gives me a kiss on my forehead "Good night". Really a kiss on the forehead? Like if I was some little girl. I can't keep my eyes open but I hear him leave the room. "What are you doing here?" I hear Sophia. "What the fuck Sophia..." I don't get to hear the rest of the conversation because he closes the door. Sophia is going to be so mad at me because I called him but I had no other choice. I need to stop them from fighting if she wants to be mad at someone it should be me. I take off my sheets and try to stand up but fall right back down. Everything is spinning. Come on Jane get it together. I stand up one more time and hold on to what ever was close to me. I made my way to the door leaning on the wall. "I'm not going through this again Sophia" I hear Gabe yells at her. I walk out and see that Sophia's eyes are red. What the hell is going on why is he yelling at her? "You got nothing to say?" he ask and she flinch. That's enough. "Hey stop!" I yell at him. Sophia eyes meet mine and Gabe turns around to look at me. He is clenching his jaw just staring at me. "Damn you look bad" Sophia says. "I thought I told you to stay in bed" Gabe walks towards me. He helps me walk to the sofa the only reason I let him help me it's because I can't even walk right now but I'm mad at him. "Why are you guys fighting?" I roll my eyes at Gabe and turn to Sophia. She looks at Gabe and then back at me "You know how annoying Gabe can be". I look over to Gabe who is just staring at Sophia with evil eyes. There has to be a reason why he is so livid. "Gabe?" I ask hoping he will tell me the truth. He turns to face me "Yeah" he nods but I can see in his eyes that there is more to the story. I let it go only because I don't have the energy to keep going. "You really should go to bed" Sophia says. I rest my head on the back of the sofa "Promise me you guys will stop fighting" I say. "Promise" Sophia agrees. I look over to Gabe and he just stares at me I lift one of my eyebrow and wait for him to speak "Fine no more fighting" he throws his hands up in the air and I laugh. I try getting up but I don't even move. "I need help to get up" I inform them. "I got you" Gabe puts my arm around his neck and lifts me up. "Slow down not so fast" I pout. He is moving to fast it feels like we are running. "We haven't even moved yet" Gabe laughs. I feel my stomach turning and for some reason I have extra saliva. I open my mouth to talk but instead I throw up. I'm throwing up all the shots that I took today and the same way they burn going down they burn coming up. Thank god I didn't have anything to eat. Great I can add another embarrassing moment to my list. "Wow" he pulls my hair away from my face and massages my back. The massage actually comfits me. I hear some one gagging from behind me. Great now I disgust him way to go. I hate throwing up. I don't want to throw up no more please god help me. I promise never to drink again if you stop me from throwing up. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. "Sophia look away" he yells. "I think I'm going to be sick" she gags. I'm so happy that it's Sophia gagging and not Gabe. I can't stop myself from laughing at Sophia. "That's not funny Jane," she moves away from me "I have a weak stomach". I feel something cold press to my stomach. I look down to my shirt and is cover with throw up "I need a shower". I probably smell bad. "Jane you can't even stand up by yourself and Sophia is no better how are you going to shower?" he ask. I refuse to go to bed with throw up on me. I'll find a way to shower myself if that's the last thing I do. "Just take me please" I say with out looking at him. I can't even face him right now. He walks me to the bathroom and sits me on the toilet. I rest my head on the wall as he turns on the water. "Okay I'm going to leave you alone now" he walks away. I need help taking off my cloths I'm not going to be able to do it myself. I can't even sit with out falling. I grab his hand "Help me with my shirt". I grab his shirt to stand up and he holds me by my waist "Um are you sure about this?" he ask all worry. Is he afraid that I'm going to get his shirt dirty or something? I turn around to give him my back and lift up my arms up in the air. "Yea" I mumble. I feel his hands on the rim of my shirt. He slowly starts to raise it being careful not to touch me. My skin brakes into goosebumps just feeling his body heat. I wonder what is he thinking right now? I wonder if he has his eyes close or open? Just thinking of him looking at me makes me blush. "Don't look you pervert" I tease and he lets out a force laugh. He takes my shirt off and I'm standing in front of him with only my panties. I cover my boobs with my arm and look back at him as I walk to the the shower. He stares at me and I see his Adam's apple move as he swallows. I wink at him and step in the shower closing the curtains. I don't know what has gotten into me because I had never done some thing so daring before in my life. There is no way I'm going to be able to stand and clean my self. I take off my panties and sit down to let the water hit me. I bring my knees to my chest and close my eyes. "Jane," Gabe walks in a few minutes later "you have been in here for a while it's time to get out I got your towel". He opens the curtains and turns off the water. I stand up and he his pupils goes wide. "What?" I ask. He snaps out of his daze "Nothing". He closes his eyes and hands the towel to me. I wrap it around me and walk to my room. "I-I'm cold" I shiver as I sit on the bed. He grabs the same pajamas pants and walks towards me. He kneels down in front of me his eyes never leaving mine. He slowly slide them up as his hands brushes my legs. My body shivers but this time it's not because it's cold. He grabs a shirt and puts it over my head. "Drop the towel" he says. I let go of the towel he pulls it from underneath me and fixes my shirt. "Throw your head to the front slowly" he adds as he reach for the towel. I throw my head to the front and he towel drys it. No one has ever dressed me or dry my hair before. I don't know what to feel for him no more. Part of me wants nothing to do with him but the other part of me wants all of him. "All dry" he helps me lay down. "Thank you" I give him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles and tucks me in "You're welcome". Once he leaves I instantly fall asleep.

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