"I have herd of strict parents but that is a little extreme" he says. "You have no idea," I play with my chain "You know I couldn't even pick the person I wanted to date?" I know that I shouldn't be confessing to him but I feel the need to get this off my chest. I'm tired of holding everything in I need some one to talk to. "Not that I want to date anyone but still that should be my decision don't you think?" I turn to look at him. "I agree" he nods. "Thank you" I smile. Finally some one agrees with me. Just thinking about my father gets me sad I feel tears building up but I won't cry. I refuse to be that drunk girl who cries. "So that's what you are running from" he says it as a statement not a question. I just shrug because I'm afraid that if I try speaking I will cry. He parks the car and walks over to open my door I didn't even realize we were moving. I try to unbuckle myself but the stupid seat belt don't want to work. I let out a small breath of frustration. "I got it" he leans in and unbuckles me. I fight the urge to lean in and smell him again. I try to stand up but my legs feel double their weight. When did I get so heavy? I need to start running again. I hear Gabe chuckle and I lift my head to look at him. What so funny? He better not be laughing at me. "I got you too" he leans in and cradles me. I should be worry about some one seeing my panties but I really don't care right now. All I care is that I'm in Gabe's arms. I rest my head on the croak of his neck and smell him in. God he smells good. This might sound weird but having him around actually makes me feel better. "You smell so good" the worlds leave my mouth before I can even stop them. I feel his chest moving as he laughs "Thanks". I'm definitely going to regret this tomorrow. "Do you have keys?" he ask as we climb up the stairs. "Yea they are inside my bra" I nod. He looks down "I don't suppose you want me to dig in there" he smirks. I shake my head and search for the key. I'm not that drunk. "I'm going to put you down now so you can open the door" he says. I tighten my grip on him "No I can open it from here" I press my face into his neck. I don't want him to leave me. He bends his knees so I can open the door. As we walk pass it I can't help but imagining us as a married couple. Wouldn't that be a mess me and him together. "What's so funny?" he ask as I giggle. "This is how married people walk into their house" I joke. He laughs "I don't know I haven't gotten marry". He kick close the door and walks through the house. I can't keep my eyes open they feel heavy. He walks into my room and lays me down. When he goes to pull away I tighten my hold on him "Don't leave". I really don't want to be alone right now. I need some one to stay with me. "I'm not remember I'm going to be in the living room" he smiles. That's not good enough for me I don't want to be alone in this room. "Stay here" I still have my arms wrap around him. "I don't think that's a good idea you're drunk" he stares at me. "So what?" I ask. I know that I'm drunk but I also know what I want. I just want to sleep with him it's not like I want to have sex with him or anything. "I promise I won't rape you" I lift up my hand and lay on my heart. "As if you can rape any one under the condition you are in" he laughs. "You're right I can't so get your ass in bed" I command. I let go of him and move to make some room for him. Where is he going? Why is he walking away from me? I guess I wasn't as convincing as I thought. All of sudden he stops by my drawers and pulls one open. Why is he going through my stuff? "Pervert" I say out loud. He walks back laughing "You wish". He throws me a shirt and some pajamas pants "If you want me to sleep with you change into this" he walks out the room. I feel butterflies in my stomach just thinking of sleeping in the same bed as him. I quickly remove my dress and the shirt. The shirt fits me so big that it goes pass my knees. There is no way I'm putting on pants it's to hot. Gabriel walks back in with a glass of water and two pills "Drink this and where are your pants?". He looks around for them. "On the floor I refuse to put them on it's too hot" I sit up and take the water. My mouth feels dry like a desert. He takes a step closer to me and pulls my hair out of the shirt. The back of his fingers brush against my neck and I feel my nipples go hard. Oh god. "I like your hair this color it makes you look different" he play around with a curl. "Like Ronald?" I wiggle my eyebrows. He chuckles "No you don't look that good". There goes the Gabe I know. I push him but I end up falling on the bed "Jerk". He stands above me just staring at me. I bite down on my lip and stare at him back. He is one sexy as man. I take in the way his leather jacket fits him. He got the whole John Travolita look from when he started in Grease as Danny Zuko. I wonder if that would make me Sandy? "You can lay down with me the bed is big enough for the both of us" I pat the spot next to me. He takes off his leather jacket. I kind of wish he slept with that on. He takes his shoes off and then he jumps in bed. I giggle like a school girl when the bed bounce. "What's funny" he brings his arms to the back of his head. He looks so sexy like that it would be better if he didn't have his shirt on. Wow where are this thoughts coming from? "I went from hating you to sleeping in a bed with you" I say. "You hated me?" he ask like if he didn't hate me himself. I turn my face to look at him "A little but I actually like you now" I smile. He smirks "You like me?". He don't know how much I really like him. "Yeah you aren't that bad don't get me wrong you're still an asshole but not a full one," I turn my body to the side "maybe half of one". He smiles and I feel warm inside "If you keep talking to me like that I might just fall for you". I throw my head back as I laugh. "You have a nice laugh you should laugh more often" he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. I close my eyes as I lean into his hand. "I really don't have a lot to laugh about" I say without looking at him. "Well then I take that as a challenge" he answers. I open my eyes and stare at him "What?". I don't know what he is talking about. "From now on I'll make it my life mission to make you laugh or smile everyday" and on cue I smile. That is the nicest thing any one has said to me. "Well that was easy" he smiles. I really love his smile. He doesn't smile as often either. "You got a nice smile too" I complement him. "That's my line get your own" he grins. I was not saying a line I was just saying the truth. But if he wants a line I'll give it to him. "Your eyes are amazing" I say. I could tell him how much I love his eyes and how they haunt me every night but I don't. "Lame you already use that line come on you can do better than that" he mocks. I don't remember saying that to him. I have thought about it a millions of time but I never said it to him or did I? Is he challenging me? Challenge accepted. I lean in closer to really look at his eyes "You know what I feel when I look into your eyes?" I ask and he nods "It's like a breath of fresh air". I don't know where that come from? "What else?" he turns to his side to face me. "I can tell a lot about you by staring into your eyes" I say. "Really like what?" he licks his lips and I swear I almost pass out. "I can see that you are intelligent, passionate, full of life, mysterious, and you like to take risks" I lick my lips mimicking him. My hands twitch begging me to touch his face. He is just so gorgeous. "Do you want to know what I see when I look into your amber eyes?" he ask. I nod because I can't seem to talk. "I see that you are independent, confident, stubborn, spontaneous, brave, but I also see sadness, pain, and fear". I feel like he just looked into my soul. How can he see all of that by just staring into my eyes? I'm so good at hiding things but with Gabe it seems like he can see pass the mask I put on and I don't like it at all. He twist a curl around his fingers "I liked you with your dark hair but I like this red it brings out a more sensual part of you" he says. Did he just say he liked me with my hair dark? When was this and most importantly where the hell was I? I want to ask him but I decided not to. "I'm glad you approve" I smile. I can't hold back any more I need to touch him. I run my hands through his hair and to my surprise it feel soft like silk "I been dying to do this" I confess. He laughs as I rub his hair like a little kid. "I like hearing you laughs it's so rare but when you do it it's magical" I say out loud but it was meant for me only. "You're good" he smiles and I see a dimple forming on his right cheek. I wink "Is it working? Are you madly in love with me yet?". I know he is just playing around but I can't help but to play along with him. In a matter of seconds he rolls on top of me. He is so close to my face that our nose are touching. I'm trying so hard to control my breathing. "Almost there," he caress my cheek with his thumb "There is something I been dying to do myself" his breath tickles my lips. My heart is beating so fast I am afraid that it's going to pop out and hit him in the face. My stomach feels like I have a washing machine inside. Oh god please don't let it be throw up that's all I ask. He shift his body weight as he lowers him self. This is it the moment I have been waiting for since I laid eyes on him. I look into his eyes and I see lust in his eyes. I look down to his lips and then back to his eyes. What is he waiting for? Just when he finally leans in to close the distant Sophia's voice fills the room. "Jane are you home?".

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