"We should go out and celebrate" Sophia says. What does she want to celebrate? Who's birthday is it? "Celebrate what?" I ask. "The fact that you and Gabe are cordial with each other" she rant. Gabe and I have been more friendly with each other ever since that day. Don't get me wrong we still fight but that's just the way our relationship works. "You want to celebrate that?" I laugh. "Okay you got me I just want to go out and dance" she gives me a sad smile "please". She knows damn well it's hard for me to say no when they give me the sad face. On the other hand I haven't been out since that day we all went to the house party. "Like to a real club?" I never been to a club before. "Duh where else?" she ask as if it was the dumbest question she has ever herd. "Fine let's do it" I'm actually excited to go clubbing. Sammy would be so jealous. We always talked about our first time clubbing. I really should call her soon I haven't talked to he since that day it's not that I don't want to talk to her it's just to hard. Sophia claps her hand bringing back to the now. "Yay! That's my roomie you know what this mean?" she ask all excited. I'm sort of scare to ask her. I stare at her with a blank face. "Shopping!" she yells. "Like to a real mall?" I bet I sound like a complete retard. I have never been to a mall the mall always comes to me. "Seriously are you from like a different planet? Didn't you have clubs or malls where ever you came from?" she ask. "Of course I was just not allow to go anywhere" I say offensively. She'll be surprise of how many things haven't experience. "Well then I don't blame you for running away and neither should your father" she says. I can't believe I admit that to her. It's so easy to talk to Sophia that I don't even realize what comes out of my mouth. I can only hope that my dad will one day understand. "The best therapy for anything is shopping and that grass hopper is your first lesson" Sophia says as we pull up to the mall. We shopped for hours and I love every minute of it. The vibe is different when your in the mall. I can't believe how much I haven't experience because of my father. "Oh my guy! We should dye our hair" Sophia jumps with excitement. I have never dyed my hair before but I always wanted to. I really like my brown hair but it won't hurt to try something new. "That's a great idea" I say as we walk into the store. "What color are you dying it?" I ask. I don't know what color I want to dye my hair. "I'm thinking light brown and you?" she ask. I want a color that is the total opposite of my brown hair. I want some thing that would change my look completely. I got it. "Red!" I say. Once we got home we got straight to dying each others hair. Sophia said there was no point in wasting money in a salon when we can do our self. Which makes sense when you think about it. "Times up I'll go first and then you'll go" Sophia grabs her towel and walks to the bathroom. "Okay" I put on some music and start cleaning up the mess we made. The music is so loud that I barley hear the knock on the door. "Coming" I yell as I go open the door. Oh my god! Just my luck Gabe is standing there with all his glory. It's not like I care what I look like around him but come on really? I'm wearing my white tank top that has like a million of little holes and I'm pretty sure that I have red dye all over my face. Sophia and I got a little messy while we were dying our hair. "I'm sorry I think I got the wrong house" Gabe chuckles. Man that chuckles does things to me. "Ha ha funny boy" I invite him in. Not that he needs an invitation to come in. "You shouldn't think so much I think you pop a cord with all that red on your head" he tease. I swear I want the ground to open and suck me in. I'm so mortified I should of never open the door but there is no way I'll ever let him know that or he will haunt me for ever. "Where do you come up with this stuff?" I walk into the living room trying to avoid him as much as I can. What is taking Sophia so long in that shower? "So I guess you're going for the whole lava girl thing" he joke. "Actually I was aiming for a Ronald McDonald kind of thing" I tease. I might as well go with the flow. "Your turn" Sophia finally says as she walks out the bathroom. I'm so thankful to get away form Gabe that I almost trip. Great that's just what I need. What the hell is wrong with me? "Your brother is here" I say as I pass Sophia. "Gabe what are you doing here?" I hear her ask as I close the bathroom door. Why does he make me so nervous and why do I always have to embarrass myself in front of him? I have never been the type of girl that cared what other people thought about me. Especially a man and I am not going to start now. I hop in the shower and stayed in until the water ran clear and that took a while. Part of me stay so long in the shower waiting for Gabe to leave. I wrap my towel around my body and made sure it was secure. With the luck I have Gabe is probably still there and as soon as I walk pass him my towel will drop. I quickly make a run to my room and once I was there I let it a breath of relief. Once inside my room I start treating my hair with a cream the sales lady gave me for after I dyed it. I put on some of my curly hair cream on my hair or else I'm really going to look like Ronald. The good thing about curls is that they look really nice when you know how to tame them. On the other hand if you don't know how to treat your hair you are in for one crazy bad hair day. I haven't seen myself in the mirror yet so I have no idea how I look. I walk to my mirror on the wall and look at my self. Oh my god I look so different. Who would of thought that by changing you hair color you can actually look like a different person. The red really brings out my curls and I love it! Today a new Jane is born no more Jane Santana. I left her in the past with everything else. I start to get ready for tonight. I bought a white mini dress that hugs my body the right way. I'm going to pair it of with my new red high heels that I bought to match my hair. I decide to do a light smokey eye, I add mascara, throw some lip gloss on, some earrings, and last but not least more hair cream. You can never have enough hair cream. One I put the last details to my look I walk over to check myself out in the mirror again. The dress fits form-fitting hugging my boobs and ass making them look huge. Not that I need any help in the boob department I have been bless with a C-cup. Now my ass is a different story I wasn't as lucky. The color white really makes my tan skin pop out even more. Thanks to my Hispanic background I always look like I have a tan. Since my hair is drying up it has more volume to it. "Wow hoochie mama!" Sophia yells as I walk in the living room. "I have to admit at first I wasn't sure about the whole red hair but damn you are killing it and that dress," she spins me around "looks amazing look at that cake". What cake? I turn around to the kitchen looking for the cake. "You baked a cake?". Now that is just ridiculous. I hear her laugh "No silly I'm talking about your ass!" she smacks my ass making me jump. "So cake is slang for ass?" I ask confuse. "Exactly and you have a cake" she smiles. I have to catch up on slang. "Look who is talking I love that color hair on you it makes you looks younger and that dress looks amazing" I return the compliment. She is wearing a dress that fits her tight from her waist up really outlining the perfect waist line she has. From her waist down the dress is puffy and loose. "You like?" she spins and her dress spin around in the air with her. "I love it" I reassure her. "We are some hot as bitches," I know that I'm in for some trouble when that smirk of hers appears "but before we leave let's do some shots". I shake my head while laughing I knew she had something up her sleeves. There is no point in saying no to her because she always gets her way. It's not her fault it's mine for being to soft. She walks to the kitchen and takes out a Patron bottle and two shot glasses. "How about you drink and I drive because one of us has to be sober" I try getting out of it. She pours the Patron "Nice try but we aren't driving tonight so drink up". It was worth a try. She slides my shot over to me and lifts hers "To a good night out. Don't smell it just drink it on the count of 3" she smiles. I have never drunk Patron but I can already tell I'm not going to like it. "1,2,3" she counts down. We both throw our drinks back and I swallow with out tasting it. The Patron slides down leaving a burning sensation in my throat as it settles into my stomach "Oh god that's nasty," I say trying not to gag "how are we getting there? Are we taking a cab?" I ask. I slide her my glass I don't want no more. She pours out another shot "Nope" she drinks "I sort of invited Jake and Taylor". She did what? She pours out a shot and slides it to me and I take it because I need it. I take my shot and shiver as it goes down. Seriously who likes to drink this in a regular basic? "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask. I am not comfortable going out with guys I don't know. If I've learned anything from my past life is to not trust any one. Not everyone is what they seem and I know that from first hand. "I knew you would say no" I push my glass to her and she refills it. "You're right" I drank again trying not to go all out on her. I need some liquid courage to go through with this. "Please don't be mad" she pouts. "It's to late for that" we took another shot. A few shots later I'm actually more relax and I don't even taste the shots no more. They go down like water. Jake calls Sophia to let her know he was downstairs. "One more shot before we leave" I take the bottle and pour us a double shot. We stumble our way downstairs and by the time we got into the car I knew I was drunk. "Fuck," Taylor hollers from beside me "how is it possible that you two look hotter than the last time I saw you?" he says. Really that was pretty smooth I thought to myself. "Thanks" Sophia says and I roll my eyes what a typical man. "That red hair makes you look even hotter than what you were it makes you look so dangerous" he leans in to whisper in my ear. "Careful don't get to close or you'll get burn" I push him back to his side of the car. "You look beautiful" Jake kiss Sophia on her cheek. Sophia gives him a small shy smile. I have never seen her act this way before she always so electric. I can tell that Sophia really likes him and it makes me feel happy for her. I really don't know much about her love life because she doesn't talk about it but something tells me that she has been hurt before. She acts like dating is nothing to her but I see past that. I know that it took her some guts to actually agree on a date with Jake. Hopefully Jake turns out to be a good guy because if he hurts her I might just have to kill him. Okay maybe I shouldn't talk like that with my background and all. I won't kill him but I'll hurt him. As we pull up to the club Jake jumps out and opens the door for Sophia. Okay so maybe he is not that bad afterwards. I on the other hand hop out the car with out waiting for Taylor. I don't want him to think this is some kind of date. We walk inside the club and every single men we pass by just stares at us. Some actually start to whistle and blow kisses. I'm starting to think that dying my hair this color wasn't such a good idea. I'm not use to this much attention it makes me feel uncomfortable. I have been around men before but they always treated me with respect I guess because they knew who my dad was. "What are they staring at?" I ask Sophia. They act like they have never seen a woman before. "How naive are you Jane? We look hot and they are staring at us because we are sexy as hell" she wraps her arms around Jake. I stay close to them as we look for a table I don't want to get lost. "We'll be back we are going to the bar" Jake says. "I love this song" Sophia yells over the music. The guys come back with 3 shots and a water bottle. "We know the guy at the bar" Jake winks as he puts down the shots. "Cheers" Sophia, Taylor, and I grab the shots while Jake grabs the water bottle. "Let's go dance" Sophia jumps from her seat and pulls on Jake's hand. "You guys go we'll watch you from here" Jake says. Sophia gives him a kiss on the cheek and grabs my hand. I follow her to the dance floor usually I would be to shy to dance in front of people but since I'm drunk I really don't care. I get so lost in the music that every one around me disappears. I was so into the music that I bump into some one. "I'm so sorry" I turn to apologize and see Mark standing there. "Mark!" I'm so happy to see him. I feel like I haven't seen him in days. I throw my hands around his neck and hug him. "I'm sorry do I know you?" he push me off. What does he mean does he know me? It kinds of sting being ask that I thought we were friends. "It's me Jane" I say. "Jane?" he stares at me from head to toe "you look different". I forgot that I dye my hair red maybe that's why he didn't recognize me at first. "I know" I slurp. "Excuse me" a pity blond says from next to him. I didn't even notice she was there. "Oh I'm sorry," Mark wraps an arm around her waist "Jane this is Ashley, Ashley this is Jane" he introduce us. I hope she doesn't think nothing of what she just saw. Here I am all over her date. "Nice to meet you Lame" she gives me a stank smile. Did she just call me Lame? What's up with that? "It's Jane" I correct her maybe she herd it wrong. "What ever," she gives me attitude. I croak my head to the side and stare at her. She turns to face Mark "Are you done?". I guess she doesn't like me. Mark gives me a small smile "See you later". Poor Mark I think I just got him trouble with his date. "Come on Lame" Sophia pulls me and I laugh. "What a bitch huh" I say. I dismiss the little meeting I just had with Mark and Ashley and continue to dance. We danced until our feet gave up on us. "I can't dance no more I need a break" I pull Sophia. I know that if it was up to her she would keep dancing all night. When we got to our table Jake and Taylor are waiting for us with another round of shots. "Good boy" Sophia smiles at Jake when she takes her shot. "Do I get a Scooby snack?" he leans. Sophia leans in and gives him a kiss. "How about me?" Taylor leans in and I push him away "I don't think so Shaggy". I have to give it to him he doesn't give up. I need to go to the bathroom and throw some water in my face. I'm feeling hot. "Where are you going?" Sophia ask as I stand up. "Bathroom want to come?" I ask. "No" she wraps her arms around Jake. I shake my head and walk to the bathroom. My hair is so wild from all the dancing. I throw some cold water on my face and on my hair. As I stare in the mirror I see two of me looking back. I think I have had enough to drink because I'm seeing double of everything. No more shots for me. Once I balance myself I make my way back to the table. "How about a dance?" this guy jumps in my way. "No thank you" I kindly say as I try to walk around him. He grabs my hand "Come on just one" I can smell beer on his breath. I swear people here don't understand the meaning of walking away. "I believe the lady says no" a voice behind me says. My hearts stops beating when I hear that. I have a sense of deja vu I slowly turn around hoping to see Gabe. Instead of Gabe standing there it's just Mark. I have to hide how disappointment I feel. "I'm sorry I don't want any problems" the man let's go of my hand. So I guess instead of caring mase around I should be carrying a man in my purse. Since that is the only way I can keep weirdos away. "Thanks Mark" I smile. "Any time" he walks away.

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