"Jane Carter" I feel bad for lying already. I grab a pillow and lay it on my lap "How old are you?" I ask.

"I'm 24" he is younger than what I thought. He looks more mature. "And you?"

"I'm 20" I answer. He probably going to think I'm to young. "Where do you work?" I quickly ask.

"Pass" he runs his hand threw his hair. Why did he just pass a simple question like that? "Where did you lived?"

"Pass" I refuse to answer just like he did. "Do you have a girlfriend?" Where did that come from? Why do I even care?

"No," I try hiding a smile "I don't have time for one". Why does it bother me so much that he doesn't want a girlfriend? "Do you have any siblings?" he leans in to his hand. He has a perfect face maybe he is a model and is embarrass to admit it. "No just me. When is your birthday?" I ask.

"January 5th" so he just turn 24 this year. "How about yours?".

"July 27" I hug the pillow remembering that day. That was a crazy day.

"That was recently did you have a party?" he ask.

"Should I count that as a question?" I say trying to avoid talking about that night.

"I don't know should I?" he mocks.

"You can't answer a question with an question" I laugh.

"Fine it's a question" he laughs and it's like music to my ears. I really have never herd him laugh before and that's a shame because he really has a sexy laugh.

"My dad threw a little get together at the house" I give him little details.

"How about your mom?" he ask. "Hey it's my turn" I pout. I don't know if I want to share anything about my mom that is just to personal for me. He smiles "Sorry go ahead".

"Do you have any kids?" I say without even thinking about it. "Yeah I have one" he answer. Of course he would have a kid he is drop dead gorgeous any one in their right mind would want to have his baby. Who wouldn't want little babies with his green eyes even I want one. What? No not me! He starts to laugh hysterically "I'm lying I have no kids". I don't know why but I feel relief and a tad annoyed that he lied to me. I get up and start beating him up with the pillow. "Not fair you can't lie". Look who is talking about lying. He grabs my hands and pins me to the sofa while we both laugh. For the second time today our bodies are pin together. We both stop laughing and are now staring at each other. My body is so aware of his that it's starting to burn. "You got nice amber eyes" I feel his breath on my lips. My chest starts to raise and fall faster than before. "You have amazing green eyes" I say in between breaths. "I believe it's my turn," he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and I'm so tempted to lean in to his touch "What or whom are you running from?". I stare into his eyes and for a split second I feel like I can trust him. What is it with Sophia and him that I automatically want to trust them? Just when I start to let my guard down I fall back to reality. "Why do you think I'm running?" I ask. He shakes his head "You can't answer a question with a question remember?". I let out a small puff "I'm not running". Another lie. "You're lying right now" he lets go of my hands. I miss his touch instantly this can't be good. Before I can even sit up I feel his hands on my side and he starts to tickle me. "No! Stop!" I wiggle around trying to catch my breath. Every time I move around I can feel him on top of me. I'm laugh so much that I am running out of breath. He stops and helps me sit up "Are you okay?" he ask as he strokes my hair. "Jerk" I finally say when I catch my breath. "So who's turn is it?" I ask after my breathing goes back to normal. "I believe it's yours" he sits back. "What are your favorite kind of movies?" I lay back next to him our shoulders touching each other. "That's easy horror movies" he smiles. "Mines too" I say a little to excited. "What about your mom?" he ask turning his face to me. I don't know what posses me to tell him the truth but I do. "She died when I was a toddler" I played with my chain avoiding his stare. He puts his hand over mines and I feel all warm inside "I'm sorry about your mom". I look over to him and see sadness in his eyes "Thanks it's okay. How about your mom?". His face lights up as soon as I ask the question. "My mother is the best mother in the world" I feel jealous but the good kind that he had the opportunity to get to know his mom. "She lives upstate," he smiles "how about your dad?". Bingo the one million dollar question. "What about him?" I drag my hand away from his. "What is he like?" he shift his body to face me. "My dad," I look down to my hands while I play with them "he is caring, loving, kind, overprotected, strict, and he loves spoiling me". I can also add a drug dealer, kidnapper, murder, and a monster but that's not my father that's El Rey. He leans in and wipes the tear that I didn't even know was falling "That's why you left?" he ask. I don't want him to know that I ran away from my house. "How about your father?" I change the subject. His face drops and he runs a hand through his hair. His face tighten up and his mouth draws together "I should go and make sure Sophia get's home safe". He gets up so fast that I swear I saw dust coming out of him. "It was nice meeting you Jane see you later" he smiles and walks out the door. What was that about? That was weird I asked him about his father and he completely went cold on me but who am I to question his father's issues? When I have my owns. I walk to the door and lock it.

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