The days seems to go by so fast that I don't even realize that yet another month has gone by. Nothing has really change. I try keeping myself busy with work and when I'm not working I'm either at home reading a book or hanging with Sophia and Liam. Maggie is still a bitch, Liam and I have become great friends. He is so much fun to be around and I love working with him. I have only seen Gabriel a few times since that day. I try avoiding him as much as I can. To bad that I can't get him off my mind. Every time I close my eyes I see his green eyes staring back at me maybe it's just because I dislike him so much. It has to be that right? What else can it be? "Look who just walked in" Liam says and I turn around to find Gabriel. I swear every time I see him he looks better than last time. "Shoot me now" I take two fingers and put them against my temple pretending they are a gun. "I got him don't worry" Liam smiles and I thank him. This is why I love working with him he always have my back when I don't wan to do something. I turn around and get back to work. As I move around I feel his eyes on me like always. Why does he stare at me so much? I turn to my station and see I have a costumer. "How may I help you?" I ask as I make my way to my station. "Can I get a number 3" he says in a deep voice that makes me cringe. I give him my fake smile "You sure can". His eyes are so dark that I feel the need to hide. He hands me the money "You're very pretty" he says. If it was some one else calling me pretty I would blush but coming from him it makes me want to run. "Thank you" I pull my hand back feeling awkward. The man looks like he is in his 40's he looks older than my father. "How old are you?" he continues. I hand him his tray avoiding his question "Here you go have a nice day" I give him a half smile. Even tho I don't want to be nice I have to it's my job. "You too" he smiles and I notice he has a gold tooth. There is something about him that gives me the creeps he looks back and I quickly turn away. Great now I have two extra pair of eyes staring at me. "Excuse me may I have some assistant over here" the same man says. I look over to Maggie pleading her with my eyes not to send me over there. "Jane go see what's wrong" she says. Of course silly me for thinking that she can do something nice for once. I walk over to him as slow as possible. Don't show him how nervous you are the voice in my head says. I lift my head up and walk with confident that I don't have. "Yes how may I help you Sir?" I stand a few feet away from him. He looks at me from head to toe and I feel sick to my stomach. "Jane you forgot to give me my fries" he says. The little hairs on the back of my next stands up when he says my name because I never gave it to him. "How do you know my name?" I say trying to control my voice. My heart is raising so fast I can hear it in my ears. "It's on your name tag" he simply answers. "Right I'll be back with your fries" I walk away as fast as I could. Snap out of it Jane it's just some creepy man. I walk back dreading every second of it "Here are your fries and I am sorry for forgetting them" I smile. I quickly turn around but he grabs my hand. What is it with men thinking it's okay for them to touch me when ever they want? I look at his hand and then back at his face. He has a crazy smile on that makes me want to scream. I try pulling my hand away but he tightens his hold on me. "How about we go out some time?" he ask. Is he crazy? I start to panic but then I remember that I know how to defend myself. How I forgot that I have no idea. I'm getting to comfortable with my new life. "How about you let go of my hand and I won't break your balls" I give him an evil look. He pulls me towards him and the air leaves my lungs as I smell cigarettes on his breath. "You want to play with my balls baby?" he says in a husky voice. All right enough being manhandle by this asshole. If I hit him right in the nose I know I can break it and then he will let me go. I bring my hand back ready to punch hiim. "Is everything okay Princess?" Holly shit my hands freezes in mid air. There is only one person on this earth that calls me princess. I slowly turn my head around and see Gabriel standing right behind me. Oh thank god I thought it was my father. "Excuse me can you let go of my girlfriend's hand I have a thing about strangers touching her" he slides in between us and the man grip loosen up. Did he just call me his girlfriend? I take the opportunity to pull my hand away and hide behind Gabriel. I know I should probably get back to work but I can't move right now. "When you get tired of messing with little boys and want to know what a real man feels like give me a call" he winks at me and I try not to gag. This man is a sicko. "That's not going to happen so have a nice day or don't I really don't give a fuck" Gabriel says with clench teeth. He is trying his best to control his breathing it catches me by surprise how mad he sounds. The man gets up to leave and Gabriel blocks his view of me until he is gone. Gabriel turns to around and grab my hand where the man was grabbing me. He was grabbing me so hard that you can still see his fat fingers on my skin. "Are you okay? Do you know who he was? Or what he wanted?" Gabriel ask as he looks me over. I am dazed out in space going over and over of what just happen. I have no idea who the hell he was or what he wanted. What if he works for my father? I don't think my father would approve of his behavior and then it hit me what if he works for my father's enemies? Oh god I think I'm going to be sick. "Jane are you okay? Do you hear me?" Gabriel voice finally breaks my thoughts. "Do you know-" I shake my head because I already know what he is going to ask. "I have no idea who that was" I fight back some tears. "We don't pay you to stand around" Maggie yells. I look at Gabriel and break away from his hold. "Thank you for you know" I say as I walk away. Liam runs to my side and gives me a hug "Are you okay doll?". I blink away my tears because I know Gabriel is still staring at me "Yeah let's get back to work before Maggie start bitching". Sophia walks in half an hour later and she stops to talk to Gabriel. By the way her face expression keep changing I know he is filling her in. "Oh my guy Jane are you okay? Gabe told me about that weirdo" she hold me at arm length making sure I'm still whole. "I am fine it was nothing" I dismiss it. "Are you sure you are okay? Do you need anything?" she brings me into a hug. If I get one more hug I think I might just break down. "I am fine let's get back to work before Maggie starts with her bull shit" I try to change the subject. "I give 3 fuck's what she say" she pouts. "Come on you two let's get to work I think we had enough drama with Jane for today" Liam comes in and rescues me. Gabriel walks over to Sophia and whispers something in her ear as he watches me. "What he say?" I ask her after he left. "To be careful" Sophia says and we get back to work. "Mark wants to speak to you before you leave" Maggie snaps at me. I'm not really in the mood for her bull shit right now. Great she probably put a complain about me 10 minutes before my shift was over I walk into Mark's office. I knock on the door "Come in" he says. I open the door "Jane take a seat please" he quickly says. I walk in and take a seat. "I herd what happen today and I want to apologize nothing like that has ever happen and I can guarantee that he won't come back to bother you". I give him a smile as I play with my chain "Thanks". Copyright 2016 - 2024