"Nice to meet you" I smile and shake his hand. Brandon is a good looking guy. He is average looking like the boys I'm use to. "The same you two are very pretty any friends of Liam are my friends" Brandon smiles. "Oh I like him" Sophia points at Brandon. "Thanks please enjoy your self have fun get drunk" Brandon turns to Liam "See you later" and he walks away. Liam watches as Brandon walks away. There is something going on between them. "Who was that?" Sophia ask the question in my head. Sophia has known Liam longer than I have so she is comfortable asking him this kinds of questions. I on the other hand didn't even know he roll that way until a few hours ago. "A friend" Liam simply answers with a smirk. "A friend or a friend friend?" Sophia pushes trying to find out the answer. "How about them drinks?" Liam change the subject and with that walks away. "This is good what is it?" I ask as I drink from my cup. I'm really not the type to drink I don't like the taste of the liquor but I can't even taste it in this drink. "Gay punch" he smiles. I can't help but to laugh at the name of the drink. "Oh mamma likes" Sophia approves. "Let's go dance" Liam leads us to the living room where every one is dancing. I love to dance especially when I have some alcohol in my system. "Would you like to dance?" I guy comes up to me and ask. He seems like a good guy and he is attractive but I really don't feel comfortable dancing with some one I don't know. "No thank you" I kindly reject him. "Maybe next time" he walks away. "Why did you say no?" Liam frowns as I turn to face him. "I rather dance with you guys" I turn to Sophia but she was gone. Where the hell she go she was just here a second ago. "Over there," Liam points to Sophia who is dancing with some guy. "You were saying?" he laughs. "Well at least I got you" I wrap my arms around him he smells so good. "You know you are very pretty" he complements me. Hearing anyone call me pretty always makes me blush. "Thanks you, you are very pretty too," I look up. Liam has gray blue eyes. "I love your gray blue eyes" I say. He runs his hand through his dark blond hair "I know right they are boxers droppers" he winks. I notice that Brandon has been staring at Liam since we got here so I try to play cupid between them. "Brandon is cute also" I add. He looks over to him "Yeah he is". Brandon stares at Liam and they give each other a smile that might not seem like nothing to any one else but my guts tells me there is more to that smile. "Go dance with him" I unhook myself from him. I know that he wants to go dance with him but he doesn't want to leave me alone. "What about you?" he looks back at me. "I'll be by the gay punch" I shake my empty cup. I need another drink anyways. "Okay don't drink a lot it's good but it will sneak up on you sweetie" he walks towards Brandon. A few songs later Sophia joins me by the gay punch. "Are you having fun?" she ask. I can honestly say that I am having fun with this punch. "Yeah" I pour us out some more gay punch. "Let's go dance" we finish our drink and go to the dance floor. I throw my hands in the air and get lost in the music. I love to dance ever since I was small. My dad said that I first learn how to dance and then walk. All of a sudden I feel some one pressing their body behind me. I turn to find Liam I smile and start dancing on him. I look back to Sophia and she is dancing with Brandon. "Good thing I am gay or I'll have a serious case of blue balls" Liam whisper into my ear. His breath on my ear makes me giggle. I turn to face him and wrap my arms around his waist "Why are all the good ones gay?" I press my face into his chest. He would be my perfect man if he wasn't gay or maybe he is my perfect man because he is gay. I feel his chest move as he laughs "Not all of them". I lift my head up and look at him "Oh really? Name me one" I challenge him. If he knows some one that is just like him and not gay sign me up please. "Well there is Gabe" he says. I laugh "Ha! You fail Gabriel is a total douchbag next". Poor Liam he has bad taste in men I hope Brandon isn't anything like Gabriel. Just hearing his names does things to my stomach or maybe it's just the alcohol. "We all have our douch bag's moment that doesn't mean he is a bad guy" he says. I forgot I was dealing with a Gabriel fan at heart. I poke him in his chest "You my dear friend have horrible taste in men". He smiles "You'll come around trust me". Yeah I don't think so there is nothing to come around to. I know I have to keep Gabriel far away from me as possible and I intend in doing just that. A few drinks and a couple of songs later I am completely drunk. "Where is Sophia?" I ask Liam. She stay disappearing on me. Last time I saw her she was on the floor dancing with some one next thing I know she vanish. "I don't know I think she is outside" he looks around the room for her. Panic starts to creep it's way up my body how long has she been gone? What if something happen to her? Oh god I think I'm going to be sick. "Let's go check" I drag Liam with me. We find Sophia sitting on a kiddie slide I feel like crying of happiness and laughing because she looks like a giant on that slide. We really need to talk about staying together when we are drunk. There is a lot of sick bastards out there. "Sofy are you okay?" I try not to laugh. "What?" she mumbles under her breath. Liam takes out his phone and starts to take pictures of Sophia "This is classic" he laughs. "Stop being a jerk" I push him away from her. Sophia falls backwards and her legs stay in the air showing her panties. Oh god I run to her side I try to lift her but she is heavy. "Help me get her up Liam!" I scowl at him. I don't want any one seeing her panties that's embarrassing. "Say kitty cat" Liam says. Sophia flicks him the finger at the same time he takes the picture. After he is done with his picture he finally helps me sit her back up. "I think it's time for us to go" I brush Sophia's hair out her face. I have never seen Sophia drink like this before something is going on with her. "I agree" Liam takes out his phone to call the cab "I need-o a cab-o". What the hell is wrong with him? Why is he talking like that? "Yes-o Thanks-o," he hangs up. "Catching up on my Spanish" he says as he catch me staring at him. I bust out laughing letting Sophia go. Who the hell taught him how to speak Spanish? "That is not Spanish you need to go back to school" I say as I laugh. "Yes it is all you have to do is add a O to the end of the word and tada Spanish" he says. Oh god I am laughing so hard that I can't even breath right. My stomach starts to hurt and I think I need to pee. I cross my legs trying to keep myself from peeing. "You're such a pendejo" Sophia says as she leans to her side. "Why does she need a pen for?" Liam ask. That takes me overboard "I have to go pee". I run inside to the bathroom before I pee myself. As soon as I step back outside come the cab pulls up. I walk over to Sophia and help Liam carry her into the cab. "How can some one so small be so heavy?" he ask. I ask myself the same question but I was smart not to say out loud. "Shut up-o and be a man-o" Sophia mumbles. I giggle and give the cab driver my address. Sophia fall asleep on the way so we carry her up the stairs. To my surprise Gabriel is leaning on the door. My heart starts to race and I feel my stomach turning. What is he doing here at this time? Great just what I need right now. "What the hell happen to Sophia?" he runs to take her into his arms. "Too much gay punch" I say as I try to open the door. "Gay what?" Gabriel scowls at me like if it's my fault. I really don't feel like explaining to him what gay punch is so I just ignore him. The door doesn't want to open so I shove my hip to give it a push. The door flies open and I lose my balance. "Wow" Liam wraps his arms around my waist preventing me from falling face first on the ground. I have never been so thankful before in my life he just safe me from fucking my face up. "Thank you so much" I turn to hug him. "Uh-hum" Gabriel clears his throat. I forgot that he was even here. What crawl up his ass? I turn to face him to see what's his problem. "Excuse us" he glares at me as he walks pass us with Sophia. "I think I should go home" Liam pulls back from me. "I think that's a good idea" Gabriel barks from the apartment. "No" I snap. Liam is my friend and if he wants to stay he can. I pull him into the apartment and close the door behind us "You can stay here". I glare at Gabriel wanting him to try me. Who the hell does he think he is? He has no say in who I can have over. "Well I am staying over and sleeping on the sofa" Gabriel quickly says giving me a smirk. Is he challenging me? He must not know that I love a challenge. He thinks he won this fight. Ha! He is so wrong. "I can call a cab" Liam announced from behind me. This isn't about Liam no more this is personal. This is a fight between me and Gabriel to see who has more power. "Fine Liam you can sleep with me" I say before I even know what I'm saying. Gabriel looks at me in disbelief. I give him a victory smile and drag Liam to my room not giving him a say. "What was that about?" Liam ask as we enter my room. "That my friend is Gabriel showing his true asshole nature. You still think he is a good one?" I turn to face him. "Mm I don't know if I didn't know any better I would say that Gabe was jealous" he says. Unbelievable he can't be that blind. Liam reaches for his shirt and takes it off. He is skinny but he is built with clean and strong lines. He looks like a underwear model. I'm starting to second guess my decisions of having him sleep with me. "On a scale of 1 to 100 how gay are you?" I ask. "Baby I am over the scale gay" he winks at me and I feel relief. I have never slept with a guy before especially a hot one at that. "Do you want some pajamas bottom?" I ask. I don't think he wants to sleep in his pants. "Sure" he smiles. I search in my drawers and throw him my pink bunnies pants. I walk to the closet and change into a long shirt. I don't care if he is gay I'm not changing in front of him. No man has ever seen me naked. "How do I look?" Liam ask as I re-enter the room. The pants fit him so tight that I am afraid that if he bends over he'll rip them. I can't control my laughter "Oh my guy!". He turns around to look at his butt "I like my ass it looks huge in this. You are so not getting this back". If I had any thought that he wasn't gay that just wrap it up for me. I'm not sure I want them back after seeing him in them. "Do you want anything from the kitchen?" I ask as I catch my breath. "Some water would be fine" he walks towards the bed. I close the door still laughing at what I just saw. Once I step into the kitchen I find Gabriel making a sandwich. I had forgot all about him. I walk pass him not even acknowledge his presence. I open the fridge door and take out the water as I reach for the a glass he speaks "Can you keep it down in there". I guess some one isn't a fan of fun that's not a surprise to me. I refuse to answer him instead I pour out some water for Liam. What I want to say to him is if he don't like the noise then maybe he should go to his house. "So you and Liam?" he ask. Alright I had enough of him. "What?" I spin around to face him. He crosses his arms over his chest and I can't help but to look at his biceps. They are so tone I wonder how much weight can he lift. "Nothing I just didn't take you as a one night stand kind of girl" he answer. I swear every time he opens that damn mouth of his it's a reminder of how much of an ass he is. First he accuses me of being a druggie and now he is calling me a hoe. I start clenching my hands I have to do something with them to keep me from hitting him. "Excuses me?" I ask my voice comes out taunt. If he knows what's good for him he will take the chance I'm giving to change his question. "There is nothing wrong with it maybe I can go next" he smirks as he checks me out. This motherfucker just dig his own grave. I start to see red and before I can even punch him in his face I throw the water instead. He gasp as the cold water hits his face. "Not a chance in hell asshole" I storm out the kitchen shoving him out my fucking way. I can't be in the kitchen where there are knifes around because I might just stab him. I walk in to my room and slam my bedroom door. "What happen?" Liam ask sitting up from the bed. "We are out of water" I turn off the lights and jump in bed. I'm so mad I can't believe his audacity. At the end of the day what is it to him if I was in here fucking Liam? He wants to think I'm a hoe I'll give him a reason to think that I'm a hoe. "Oh Liam!" I shout scaring Liam. Liam reaches for the lamp light and turns it on "I am not even touching you". Damn I should of included him before doing anything. I cover his mouth "Liam don't stop!" I shout. Liam raise his eyebrows and I uncover his mouth "Gabriel think we are having sex" I whisper "So go with it" I drop my hand from his mouth. "What?" he laughs. "I know right" I shake my head in disbelieve. "Oh Jane!" he growls in his best man voice. I throw a pillow over my face to cover my laughter. After a few minutes of fake moaning and growling we stop. "That was fun" I whisper to Liam. "Yeah hopefully I don't get my ass kick" Liam says. I don't understand why he would. "You aren't lets go to bed I'm tired of all that wild sex" I laugh. "You got to admit I just rocked your world" he says before turning of the light. "Can you explain why the hell was Gabe here this morning?" I hear Sophia as she walks the room. What time is it? I should really start locking my door. "Holly shit!" she looks between me and Liam "Liam I thought you was over the scale gay?" she frowns. I can already see her coming up with different scenarios in her head about what happen last night. "It's not what you think" I quickly say. I explain everything that happen last night from her flashing everyone to what happen with Gabriel. "That explains why he was asking so many questions this morning" she says. Liam looks over to me "Jealous" he smirks.

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