“Hey, Sierra,” Logan greeted, sparing Sierra a quick glance before devoting himself fully to the little chubby baby in his arms.


“I’ve got a surprise for you, little one,” Logan said as he walked out of the kitchen with Hannah in his arms.

“He bought her some toys the other day when we were out. Yes, he knows she’s too little to appreciate them fully, but he insisted.”

Sierra’s eyes turned soft and Sam knew what was coming.

“Have you two given any more thought to having kids? I mean, I know you’ve said you didn’t want to, but you’re both so good with Hannah.”

Sam smiled. “And just like every other time you’ve asked that,” Sam chuckled, “no, we don’t plan to have kids.”

It wasn’t that they had anything against children because, yes, just like Logan, Sam loved every second she got to spend with her niece, but she truly didn’t want to have any children of her own. With her career in full swing, and Logan’s too, they knew it wasn’t what was best for a child. They were too selfish, and they would be the first to admit it.

“Got it.” Sierra laughed, obviously realizing Sam wasn’t going to change her mind on the subject. They’d had the same discussion before and Sam was pretty sure Sierra hoped she would eventually cross over to the mommy side. She and Logan were still content with where they stood on the subject.

Sam went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before returning to the table with Sierra.

“So, tell me something…,” Sierra began, glancing back behind her as though Logan might be standing there. When she turned back to face Sam, she continued, “I heard you were part of a scene with Xander and Mercedes.”

Sam wasn’t quite sure what the question was, so she waited.

“What was it like? Based on what I’ve seen of them, they’re pretty hardcore.”

Sam wasn’t sure what the definition of hardcore was. She knew that Xander had doled out punishment for whatever reason and Mercedes had seemed to enjoy herself. But, aside from that, she hadn’t delved into the reason behind what they did.

“You’ve seen what I’ve seen,” Sam told Sierra. “When we were in the same room together on opening night, it wasn’t quite as intense as when Xander had strapped her to the spanking bench, but the outcome was still the same. Other than that, I really don’t know what to tell you.”

“Ok, so clearly you’ve moved on from the whole BDSM thing.”

Had she? Considering the way she’d felt when Elijah had walked into their playroom the night before, yeah, it did seem like she had once again shifted her priorities elsewhere.

“I’m all for experimenting a little,” Sam said, blushing as she thought back to the swing. “But, truthfully, I’m not sure it’s my thing.”

“But Elijah is your thing?”

Sam couldn’t answer that. She didn’t know how to answer that. At least not yet.

“What’s he like?”


“Oh, come on. Don’t do that. You know who I’m talking about. Elijah.”

“I don’t know him all that well.”

“Yet,” Sierra supplied as though reading Sam’s mind.


Sierra laughed. “I’ve never known you to be at a loss for words.”

Ok, true.

Sam smiled.

“There’s something about him,” she admitted, unsure what she really wanted to say.

“Well, I think I figured that out on my own,” Sierra replied, leaning back in her chair and pinning Sam with that crystal blue stare.

Sam glanced down at her water bottle and then back up at Sierra. “We didn’t talk long, but I’m hopeful that we’ll get to talk more,” she said quietly.

“Amongst other things?”

Sam laughed. Sierra’s mind was in the gutter more often than Sam’s was. And that was saying something.

Sierra’s features softened as she leaned forward. “Ok, fine. But you’re back to thinking about a third? And he’s your top candidate?”

He was her only candidate. She didn’t say that though.

“I hadn’t given it too much thought,” she lied. In fact, she had been thinking about Elijah more than she thought was appropriate.

Sam knew her desires were a little out of the norm, at least by most standards, but that didn’t stop her from wanting to experience new things. Not that a threesome was new. Not to her or to Logan. And obviously, Logan must’ve thought Elijah was worth pursuing since he’d introduced them. But she still hadn’t had a chance to talk to Logan more. Which she wanted to do before they proceeded.

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