“Well, they can always take turns,” Sam teased. “Then again, I have noticed how… open the three of you have been lately. I guess all that time working together makes the sparks fly, huh?”

Sam smiled when Sierra blushed crimson.

Sam immediately remembered the sight of Cole on his knees in front of Luke… A flash of heat spiked in her bloodstream. And then on Monday night, Sam had gotten a glimpse of her sister-in-law, and it was difficult to miss the fact that Sierra had been having a good time too.

“I’m surprised you noticed,” Sierra said as she got up and went to the refrigerator. “You seemed a little… preoccupied.”

Ok, so she’d been busted. It wasn’t as if Sam hid anything from Sierra anyway. Not only were they sisters-in-law, but they had become nearly inseparable ever since Sierra came into their lives.

“Ummm… Sam?”

Sam looked up to face Sierra, lifting her eyebrow in question.

“You’re blushing,” she whispered conspiratorially with a huge grin.

“Oh, hush,” Sam laughed, turning her attention back to Hannah. “I am not.”

“You so are.” Sierra sat back down with a bottle of water. “I didn’t realize you knew Elijah Penn.”

Sierra didn’t phrase it as a question, but Sam felt the urge to explain. “I was introduced to him on Monday. He’s the guy I was asking you about. Apparently Logan met him when the boys went to X-hale.” Sam was not going to go into details about how Elijah had watched while Logan had made her scream his name.


“And what?”

“What do you think about him? The three of you seemed a little cozy.”

Glancing over at Sierra, Sam decided to spill. “I definitely hope to get to know him better,” she said with a guilty smile. It wasn’t like Sierra didn’t already know that Sam and Logan had been hoping to find a third that would work for them.

“Do you think Elijah might be the one?” Sierra asked, looking both curious and concerned.

“I’m not sure anyone will be ‘the one',” Sam answered softly. “But I think he’s interested. As are we.”

In all the time she’d been with Logan, Sam had learned a lot about herself. A hell of a lot. Some things she learned even surprised her. Like the fact that she really, really enjoyed the threesome interactions. And she craved having two men focused on her, with Logan there to ground her. Those moments were unlike anything she’d ever expected.

“I’m interested in getting to know him better. Seeing where it might lead,” Sam finally told Sierra.

“Do you think this could be the start of a more permanent friendship?” Sierra asked, a hint of empathy in her tone.

Sam knew Sierra had a good reason to ask that question. Along with finding out about her own kinky side, Sam had also learned that she didn’t like the fact that Luke and Tag had both just waltzed right through her life.

Sam loved Logan with every ounce of herself, but she’d made a connection with Luke and then with Tag. It wasn’t the same as what she felt for Logan, but she didn’t like the idea of getting attached to anyone only so they could move on. And by attached, Sam meant that she’d developed feelings for them. Not love, but she feared that was only because of how brief their encounters were.

And maybe that’s why the idea of Elijah scared her a little. Despite the fact that she had really enjoyed his company the other night, not to mention the little show they’d put on for him, she was still weary.

“There’re no guarantees, I know, but I don’t see how it could hurt to see how things go,” Sam told her.

“Well, I won’t argue with you there. So, does that mean you’re going to pursue this further?”

The only thing Sam knew for fact was that she was open to new experiences and there was something about Elijah… Did it mean she would be with him? No. It didn’t. But it also meant she wasn’t going to deny herself the opportunity of getting to know him better since she and Logan both considered him worth pursuing.

Sam wasn’t sure what was going to happen. They’d left the club agreeing to see Elijah again but not setting a firm date. And after their scorching hot moment at home, Sam was inclined to believe that Logan was right with her in thinking… The sooner the better.

As though summoned by her thoughts, the back door that led to the garage opened and Logan walked in, a huge grin on his face as soon as he laid eyes on Hannah. Since the moment Hannah made her arrival in the world, Logan had been completely smitten with her.

“Wow, this is a wonderful surprise,” he said as he walked over to Sam, leaning in and kissing her on the lips then carefully taking Hannah from her arms. He nuzzled the baby – who looked so tiny in Logan’s big arms – close to his chest, his giant hand cupping the back of her head.

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