All the while, her mind had been spinning with a myriad of questions.

Who was the sexy stranger?

Why was Logan suddenly hell-bent on going to Devotion?

Did it really have something to do with him?

Turning around to face the shower, Sam leaned against the bathroom counter and folded her arms beneath her breasts while she studied Logan momentarily. From her vantage point, she could admire her husband’s incredibly sexy, nude body while he showered. And, she could also ask him questions, which was what she decided to do.

“Remember the conversation we had last week on the way to work? After opening night at Devotion? The one where you told me to think long and hard?” she asked, raising her voice to be heard over the water.

“I remember,” he said, his voice echoing against the tiled walls while he lathered shampoo into his dark hair.

“I wanted to talk about our options. You know, the whole ‘it’s either BDSM or a threesome’ thing.”

“I never meant you had to choose between them, Sam,” Logan answered with a heavy sigh, his eyes now meeting hers across the steamy bathroom. “I was referring to a threesome with Xander or BDSM. I wasn’t drawing a line between BDSM and a threesome. And I never said it had to be one or the other.”

The shower water turned off and Sam watched as Logan grabbed one of the oversized bath towels that she’d bought on sale just last week. He raked the slate gray cotton through his hair and then ran it over his firm, lean body, catching Sam’s attention with his every move.

“I know,” she told him; not even attempting to disguise the fact that she was ogling him.

And she really did know what he was saying. Logan hadn’t given her an ultimatum by any means, but she had been under the impression that he was trying to sway her one way or the other. “Are you really interested in BDSM?” she asked.

“Did you not enjoy last night?” Logan’s dark eyebrows shot up, a look of unrestrained carnality glowed on his face. It was a look that she knew very, very well.

He was clearly remembering that swing.

“I did enjoy it. Very much,” she explained, feeling her face heat from embarrassment. Yes, she was quite fond of trying new things, but it didn’t make talking about them any easier.

After her up close and personal introduction to BDSM, Sam had certainly been looking forward to learning more. And that was the main reason they’d gone back on Wednesday. For theme night. Just to watch.

Granted, last night had been better. More intense. She had been tied up in a swing, so it could probably be classified as bondage. But something else – that man coming in to watch – had been what tipped the scales for her. That had made it incredible.

Sam wasn’t ashamed to admit that her inner nympho was quite fond of the lifestyle Logan had introduced her to.

“So you liked when I tied you up and had my wicked way with you?” he asked with a curiously wicked gleam in his eyes.

“I always like when you have your wicked way with me. Tied up or not.” Sam grinned. Logan was tenacious when he wanted something, and he made her burn for him with just a look. “But that’s the thing… I don’t have to be tied up.”

There was no denying how hot the scene with Mercedes and Xander had been, nor would she pretend that she hadn’t been incredibly turned on by it. It just wasn’t quite when she thought it would be. It seemed to work for Xander and Mercedes, but Sam hadn’t been able to imagine her and Logan doing the same thing.

Logan frowned. “Do you not want me to tie you up?”

“That’s not what I’m saying,” Sam said, her frustration coming through in her clipped tone. “I just…” She couldn’t find the words to finish that sentence.

Yes, she was definitely screwing this all up.

Chapter Three

Up until Logan had point blank told her that Xander would not be a candidate for a third in their relationship, Sam was anticipating the possibility of another threesome. And then that man came in last night, his mere presence heightening Sam’s pleasure tenfold. The way he watched her and the way Logan watched her… The presence of that man hadn’t just affected her, it had affected Logan too.

That’s when it all came back full circle for her. Back to the day she met Logan and the subsequent days that followed.

There were so many things that Logan did to her that made her crave him, both then and now, but truthfully, the look in his beautiful eyes had always been what made Sam burn hotter. She could get lost in Logan’s penetrating gaze for hours. It was a heady feeling when he turned his full attention on her, all but consuming her with a heated look. Copyright 2016 - 2024