The next few weeks took it's toll on the herds Abby hated seeing so many of those animals having to be be put down. The ones that was healthy was rounded up and put into holding pens to be examined by the park's doctor. The pens that had the sick animals in was taken apart and moved to another location and that ground was treated with some kind of chemical that the government brought in.

​ No more animals was allowed in untill the cituation had been completely eradicated.Camping season was coming to a close and then it would be nothing but the staff. Abby was hoping that by spring the refudge would be getting healthy animals to help build up their herds.

With geese migating to the south and stopping at the lake to bed down for a few days the park saw another disease the bird flu. The rangers had to tranquilized them and give them vaccine. It didn't cure the disease but it kept them from producing more of the virus keeping the spread of the disease down. The rangers had to vaccinate all of their turkey vultures and the park's bald eagles.

The owls was done also as a preventive measure. The bird flu wasn't as extensive as the wasting and hooves disease was but still it took it's toll on the refudge. Everyone prayed that it would be a bad enough winter to wipe out the bacteria in the park... Copyright 2016 - 2025