Instead she lightly trailed her nails down his chest to his abdomen. “Count on it.”


DASH WOKE CURLED around Margo. She was on her right side, his knees behind hers, her splinted arm resting above his around her waist.

Her sweet little bottom pressed into his lap.

Even before his eyes opened he remembered yesterday and lust rushed through him. His arm tightened the tiniest bit.

After her bath, he’d cooked her dinner, held her and Oliver on the couch while watching a movie and then they’d gone back to bed.

Using only his fingers, he’d given her another climax. He’d badly wanted to pleasure her with his mouth as well, but hadn’t trusted his restraint. Instead, after she’d come, he stayed with her, touching her softly, then with more insistence until she caught up, until the sensations began to build again.

He kept her going, loving the way she cried out, how she clutched at him with her right hand. Slowly the orgasm built and, body taut and breath ragged, she came a third time.

No wonder she’d slept through the rest of the night.

Lieutenant Peterson took to the submissive role with amazing heat.

All things considered she had incredible endurance, a wonderfully uninhibited streak and she was every bit as sexual as him.

Only he’d done without, and now he was in a very bad way.

Trying not to wake her, he lifted his head and searched for the clock. A little after ten. Not super late, not super early. Finally, they’d both caught up on sleep. Hopefully, now well rested, she’d feel better today.

He glanced at the window and saw plenty of sunshine coming in. Nice.

Tomorrow morning Margo would see a doctor about getting the splint removed. Never mind what she’d told her father, she’d need some physical therapy before returning back to work.

His lip automatically curled at the thought of Mr. Peterson.

God willing, her family wouldn’t feel the need to visit again anytime soon.

Just as Dash finished the thought, a knock sounded on the door. Shit.

He let his head drop back with a groan.

Margo stirred, then clumsily sat up, almost clubbing him with her splint.

He dodged it. “Easy.”

She looked around as if confused, zeroed in on Dash and...blushed.

Nice. How she could look so pretty with bruises and sleep-rumpled hair, he didn’t know, but the blush only added to her appeal. “Morning, beautiful.”

The heat in her cheeks intensified. “What are you groaning about?” She eyed him up and down...pausing on his morning wood. “Or maybe I already know.”

Only half-awake and still she sounded interested. Damn, but he couldn’t wait for her to be 100 percent again so they could really burn up the sheets. Dash shook his head. “You have a visitor.”

“Who?” She glanced around as if expecting someone to be in the room with them.

Grinning, Dash said, “At your front door.”

“Oh.” That stymied her—until the knock sounded again. Face pinched in discomfort, she threw back the sheet and swung her legs off the mattress.

And froze at being naked.

She was so small, so trim and toned, that even the sling couldn’t detract from her sex appeal.

He trailed a finger down her elegant spine, all the way to her adorable fanny. “Maybe your folks have returned.” After kissing her nape, Dash, too, left the bed to stand beside her.

Knowing she watched, he stretched lazily. Blasé, he asked, “Want me to get it?”

“It?” She stared at his dick.

He lifted her chin. “The door.”

“” With a nod at his erection, she said, “I doubt my parents would return this soon, but regardless, I don’t want anyone to see you like that.”

Possessiveness? He hoped so. Now that she was awake and clear-minded, he didn’t try to insist on helping. “Give me a few minutes then and I’ll come make coffee.” He brushed a thumb over her cheek, down to her jaw. If he didn’t go now, he might not go at all.

He turned without another word and headed into her private bath.

* * *

WOW. THINGS HAD CHANGED dramatically overnight.

Margo raised her splinted arm to test it, and felt nothing, not even a twinge. Great. With her right hand, she touched her head near the stitches, but that felt mostly fine, too. She had only the slightest headache, and that might be a dire need for caffeine.

Time to get it together.

Knowing it would take her forever to get a robe on over her splint, she wrapped a blanket around her body and hurriedly headed to the front door. A quick glance out the peephole and she cursed softly. Just what she didn’t need.

Reluctantly, she opened the door to none other than Rowdy Yates.

Bright sunshine turned his dark blond hair golden and added an interesting sparkle to his sexy bedroom eyes. He wore faded jeans, a black T-shirt under a zip-up sweatshirt and boots. He was so incredibly hot that Margo had to remind herself to breathe.

Though she wore only a blanket, his gaze never wavered from her face. “If we woke you, we can drop off the get-well package and let you get back to bed.”

Watching his mouth move was a special treat. The man exuded raw sensuality on every level.

“Lieutenant?” One brow lifted, Rowdy glanced in past her. “Dash around?”

Avery stepped in front of him, her smile confident. “You have her tongue-tied.” And then to Margo, “Don’t worry about it. I understand. Every woman still reacts that way to him. I’m used to it.”

Rowdy rolled his eyes—and that helped Margo to collect herself. She felt foolish, but hopefully hid it. “I’m sorry.” Holding the blanket secure with her right hand, she nudged the door open wider in a silent bid for them to come in. “The pain pills—which Dash insists on me taking—keep me in a fog. I didn’t mean to be rude.”

“Not a problem.” Rowdy’s gaze dropped to her body, and quickly away. “We woke you?”

“No... Yes...” She did not want them to assume she’d slept—even in the platonic sense—with Dash. “You mentioned a get-well package?”

Rowdy lifted the loaded bag with a shrug. “It’s what Logan and Pepper did when I got cut.”

“We enjoyed it,” Avery said. “So we figured you would, too.”

Rowdy searched the room. “We saw Dash’s truck out front and assumed you were up and about.”

Her mouth firmed. It was already happening, the intrusion into her private life. “Yes, he’s here. He brought me home from the hospital and insists on staying to play my nurse.” He’d also insisted on making her insane with lust. Three times.

Now that she’d given in, she couldn’t wait to get back to it again.

As if she thought nothing of it, Avery said, “Of course he did.” She set her purse aside and slipped off a jacket. “You shouldn’t be alone.”

The protest came without her permission. “I can take care of myself.”

“If you had to, sure. But why not let Dash help out?” Sotto voce, she added, “Men love playing caregiver.”

Not all men. Her father had certainly never shown any signs of caring for anyone.

“You don’t have a car yet,” Rowdy pointed out. “And it can’t be easy accomplishing much with that bulky splint.”

Margo looked down at her wrapped arm and shrugged. “Hopefully I’ll get it off tomorrow.” She mostly had to wear it until the swelling went down and the doctor confirmed she could start physical therapy. Not that she’d need a lot of PT. More than anything she just wanted to get back to work.

Rowdy lifted up a stuffed bag. “We brought coffee and Danish for now, and chili for later.”

“From your cook?”

“The chili is, yeah.”

“Bless him and you, then.” The chili was terrific, one of her favorites.

He looked around her living room with interest. “Nice place.”

Never had she thought to have Rowdy in her home. Oddly enough, while she still admired the sight of him—as Avery had said, what woman wouldn’t?—Margo didn’t feel that usual bone-melting liquid heat, a response that Dash had so easily engendered.

“Thank you.” She nodded toward her kitchen. “Make yourself at home while I get dressed.” Before she could exit the room, Oliver poked his nose around the corner and hissed.

Both of Rowdy’s brows shot up this time. “You have a cat?”

His reaction was nearly identical to Dash’s. Was it really so unheard of for her to have a pet?

“That’s Oliver. He’s blind.” Dash strode into the room. Surprising her, he’d taken the time to don the loose athletic pants, a T-shirt and socks. Hair combed and face shaved, he didn’t look as if he’d just awakened at all.

But he did look good enough to eat.

And damn, there was that bone-melting heat again, making her legs feel like noodles.

Had he dressed and cleaned up to help hide the fact they’d slept together? So considerate.

Margo started to explain further about Oliver, but Dash marched forward as if on a mission. His intensity was such that she backed up one step before she caught herself and stood her ground.

What in the world—

Winding an arm around her waist, Dash lifted her chin with the edge of a fist, and kissed her full on the mouth.

Rowdy and Avery were silent.

It wasn’t an extended kiss, but it sure wasn’t a simple peck, either. As he slowly lifted away his tongue moved over her bottom lip.

Margo went mute.

For a few heart-throbbing seconds, he just looked at her. “Do you need help getting dressed?” His voice was deep, rough.


She glanced at Rowdy.

Impassive, he said, “It’s not a surprise, Lieutenant, so don’t look so sheepish.” He turned his astute gaze on Dash. “He’s been obvious enough for a while now.”

Oh, dear God. “Obvious about what?” If he’d already blabbed somehow—

“How interested he is.” Avery smiled at her. “You were the unknown, but I’m glad to see you’re softening toward him.”

Dash gave Margo a one-arm hug. “You see? They’re rooting for me.”

Rowdy made a rude sound. “Wouldn’t matter to me one way or the other except that I hate to see a man suffer.”

Dash put a hand to his heart. “You are such a good friend, Rowdy.”

Margo elbowed him hard. She was used to his teasing, his nonstop amusement and carefree attitude about life. But she didn’t want to be the brunt of a joke.

Holding his ribs, he said, “Maybe she hasn’t softened that much after all.”

Avery snickered. “You need someone as strong as you, so be glad she’s not one of those moony-eyed girls that falls at your feet.”

“No,” Dash said, “she’s not that.” Copyright 2016 - 2024