Secondly, but just as important, he wanted to show her that she could be herself with him. That sexual need didn’t detract from her strong personality and capability. Taking a more submissive role in bed—with him—wouldn’t carry over into her everyday life out of bed.

Stepping back from the temptation of her nudity, her silky hair and fragrant skin, and especially her helpless anticipation, he studied her body while rubbing his mouth. She trembled with need; he couldn’t leave her like that. She would rest better after getting off.

After he got her off.

But he also couldn’t forget, not for a minute, that she was hurt. And that meant he’d just have to do without, torturous as it would be, until she was better able to reciprocate.

“You really are so f**king hot.” He was going to love touching her, hearing her moan, feeling her come with his fingers pressed deep. Knowing how it would affect her, he said, “Let’s get you in the tub so I can get started.”

He held her right arm to keep her from slipping, then arranged her to his liking.

Breath held, she let him.

“Rest your left arm on the ledge.” He helped her, ensuring she didn’t get the splint wet. “Is that comfortable?”

She drew a breath. “Yes.”

With a hand opened wide between her shoulder blades to support her, he said, “Lean back.”

She did, and the water lapped at her nape, dampening her short dark curls. Liking that, enjoying the compliant picture she made, Dash sat outside the tub and used a cupped hand to pour water over her br**sts.

“You are so incredibly stacked.” He trailed a finger down her stomach. “Open your legs.”

Anticipation kept Margo silent and unmoving, on the precipice of need.

“Did you hear me, Margo?”

She licked her bottom lip and slowly widened her feet apart.

“Nice.” He studied her. “Know what I think would be even nicer, though?” He didn’t wait for her to answer, knowing that she wouldn’t. Coming up to his knees, he lifted one of her feet and rested it over the tub ledge. Yeah, he liked that. “Brace yourself. I know you have a tub mat, but I don’t want to take any chances on you sliding.”

With her uninjured right arm, she held on and nodded.

Carefully, Dash lifted her other foot to the ledge on the opposite side of the tub, leaving her exposed. “Stop tensing your knees... Yeah, that’s better.” He could see every inch of her soft pink flesh, swollen with need.

Her br**sts rose with each quick inhalation.

Dash met her gaze. “Now I can really get to you.”

With a vibrating groan, she bit her lips and struggled to stay still. Steam left her face rosy. Or maybe that was sharpening desire. She did seem to be as into the sex play as he was.

Trailing a wet fingertip up the inside of her thigh, he ordered, “Leave them there.”

She closed her eyes, but only briefly. Lieutenant Margo Peterson was not a coward, ever.

Picking up the soap, Dash lathered his hands. “Since you insisted on the bath, I want to make sure you enjoy it...for a really long time.” Her ni**les were still tight, and got tighter still when he put his soapy fingers to her and teased.

She squirmed and Dash, knowing it wasn’t her problem, asked, “You didn’t want to get clean?”

Turning her head to the side, she made a hungry little sound of need, the muscles in her sleek thighs clenching, her feet flexing.

“Easy now.” He paused, his slick fingers still on her br**sts, but now only holding her. “Are you going to be able to stay still?”

Aroused color slashed her cheekbones. Her eyes were dazed. The bath water lapped at her br**sts. “Yes.”

“Is that a promise?”

Her gaze pleaded with him, and she whispered, “Please don’t stop.”

He smiled...and rinsed her br**sts. She was sensitive here, and he almost thought he could get her off with just this.

But that’d be asking too much of him. He needed to touch her. All of her.


“It won’t be easy, I know.” Leaving one hand to toy with her ni**les, he lowered the other into the water, between her legs. “But you’re not going to move, not until I tell you that you can.”

“All right.”

Dragging out the suspense, he slipped his fingers along her inner thighs, teased behind her knees, tickled over her hip bones and belly.

“Dash,” she whispered desperately.

“Shhh. No talking, either.” It took all his concentration to hang on, to remember that this was for her, only her.

She drew in a shuddering breath.

“All you need to do is rest there and let me have my fun.” Knowing she couldn’t, he said, “Now loosen up for me,” at the same time that he cupped his hand over her again—this time with her legs sprawled wide.

A vibrating moan escaped her.

“You just can’t keep quiet, can you?” He pressed two fingers into her, easily since she was already slippery wet and ready. With his other hand he toyed with her ni**les.

She made another throaty sound of excitement, and Dash told her calmly, “You may as well get comfortable, because I’m not in any rush here.” He eased his fingers back out of her. “We have all night.”

She lifted her hips, his hand now loosely covering her, seeking the more intimate stroke.

“Shh. Rest back in the tub or I’ll have to stop. I won’t chance you getting hurt.”

“I won’t,” she all but wailed, writhing against his hand.

“Your arm is okay?”


He smiled. “Does your head hurt at all?”

“Damn you...”

“Cursing me?” He pretended to pull away.

“I’m sorry.”

“Better.” He held one nipple and despite how she squirmed, kept his fingertips just barely inside her. “You sounded sincere enough.”

Two deep breaths...and she said, “I am.”

“Then behave.” He pressed his fingers deep again, slowly working her, using the heel of his hand to add friction to her clitoris.

Her teeth locked. She was already so close, and he’d barely done half of what he wanted to do.

“Keep your knees open.”

Eyes closed tight, she nodded.

He watched her splinted left arm, making sure she didn’t forget about it.

And suddenly she gasped, almost lost in a fast orgasm.

Surprised by her swift response, Dash eased up, saying softly, “No, not yet.”

Ripe excitement left her entire body taut, rosy.

Dash touched her everywhere, her swollen sex, her br**sts and her mouth and her plump little ass. “You are so sexy, Margo.”

“I...I need to come.”

“And you will,” he promised. He saw the carnal desperation on her face...and he loved it. “After I’ve gotten my fill of enjoying your body.”

One thing was certain: she did not feel any pain. He could tell by the way she moaned and moved and how easily she kept trying to spiral out of control.

Dash abandoned her br**sts for the moment to concentrate between her legs. “I think you’ll like this.”

She caught her breath and waited.

“Two fingers in you, nice and deep.” He watched the movement of his hand, his fingers sliding in and out of her tender body. “I have large hands, but still, it’s not quite the same as when we’ll have sex.” His c**k hurt, he wanted her so much. But he wouldn’t veer off track.

She strained to remain still.

“And with my other hand, I can...” He touched her clitoris, and she gasped, her hips lifting. “Maybe we should put that off until later.”

“Do it now.” Her voice was high, thin.

“I don’t want you to come yet.”

“Dash...” Frustration made her frantic. “I don’t know if I can wait any longer.”

He said with certainty, “You can.”

She moaned raggedly.

Maybe he should save that much teasing for her second orgasm. She was already drawn so tight that it worried him. He didn’t want to add to her aches and pains. He wanted to alleviate them.

“I’ll prove it to you....” She was about to protest when he touched her again, saying, “Later.”

It took him less than thirty seconds to push her over the edge, and hearing her cries, seeing the open, honest pleasure on her face, he damn near followed her.

As her orgasm faded, she slumped and he quickly pulled the drain on the tub to let the water out. “Relax, honey.”

She gave a faint but honest laugh. “Now I can, definitely.”

“I’m glad.” Pleased with her, Dash shook open the towel. “Time to dry off.”

“Forget it.” She motioned him away with her right hand. “Just leave me here for a little while.”

He grinned at her tranquil posture. “You know I can’t do that. Come on now, you’ll be more comfortable once you’re dried and dressed.”

“And fed.”

“Exactly.” He caught her under the arms. “Careful now.” He helped her out, then said, “If you can stay on your feet, I can take care of everything.”

“Yes, sir.” She giggled.

Pausing with the towel to her belly, Dash stared at her. A giggle? From Lieutenant Margaret Peterson. “You are dopey as hell.”

“I’m boneless.”

“Boneless, huh?” He kissed her, and wanted to go on kissing her. But that would test his control too much. “I like that ‘sir’ business.”

“You earned it.” She sobered as he bent to dry her legs. “But, Dash, you do realize—”

“That it’s only in the bedroom? Or in this case, the tub? Maybe someday the kitchen table?” He sent her a quick smile of reassurance. “Of course I do.” He briskly dried her thighs, and more slowly between them. “I’ve never known a stronger, more independent woman than you. What we do together won’t change that.”

Margo put a hand on his shoulder, balancing herself.

He brushed the edge of the towel over her br**sts, concentrating on her ni**les. “But games are fun for everyone, so anytime you want to play...” He couldn’t stop himself from bending to her nipple for one quick, soft suckle. “Just let me know. I liked it. A lot.”

Maybe a little uncertain, she ran her tongue over her lips.

“It’s all right if you admit that you liked it, too.” Hoping to put her at ease, he teased her and said, “I won’t tell.”

“You already know that I did.”

“You’ll like it again in...oh, a few hours. Before we go to sleep.” He smiled. “I did promise you two climaxes, right?”

She sighed. “And what about you? I’m more than happy to—”

“No. I won’t take the chance of causing you pain.” He kissed the bridge of her nose, her temple, and suggested, “Make it up to me when you get the splint off in a few days.” He waited to see what she’d say, if she’d maybe deny the odds of being with him a few days from now. Copyright 2016 - 2024