"My Lord, it seems the girl is manifesting Sitri as if it were Dantalion," Druitte declared.

"It's the brands… they're changing her!" Halphas barked. "She's not to be trusted!"

"No! Rowan argued…it's not her fault. We've got to get her back… away from here."

"She cannot return back to the Realm of Goetia… Belial and his legions reside there still, " King Vine pleaded.

"You four will take her back past the boundaries, through the Courtyard, and home where she belongs," Rowan eyed me. "She's under our protection…I can't go… not as half-demon…" he lowered his eyes.

"My Lord, what if they come for her there? We no longer hold powers as mortal men," Sitri's dark hair hid his piercing eyes.

"Right…well, since Laurel's already got it into her possessed female head that you resemble Dantalion, maybe you could make her torture a littler easier to bear," Rowan replied smugly.

"My Lord?" Prince Sitri raised his eyebrow at Rowan.

Rowan leaned in toward Sitri in a whisper.

"You know, feed into the whole Dantalion thing…keep her occupied so when she turns into a full fledged demon she doesn't try to kill herself or anyone else….trust me… when I became demon the 'feed to survive' concept was pretty intense…not sure how Laurel's gonna react. Meanwhile, I'll work my magick on the legions… try to convince them to stay the hell away from Belial, Satan, Leviathan and Lucifer… and not turn on Dantalion."

"How do you intend to stop the Four Kings of Hell from reclaiming their realms? They already branded the girl as bait, Dantalion is a guardian angel now, and we're left here as mortals…for what? To die at the hands of the Brotherhood?" Halphas protested.

"It's up to you four to keep Laurel safe- and sane… she has friends and school she needs to get back to… and a guardian angel who's sworn to protect her… work on that," Rowan answered.

"My Lord, you know your demonic powers increase with time… you can shape-shift back to her," Druitte reminded him sympathetically.

"Yea, I know… only… I don't think I'm the one she wants…Sitri is the closest in resemblance to Dantalion…and there's no telling when or where, or even how Laurel is going to invoke Dantalion…now that she's….changing."

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