Together they carefully lifted the young doe and carried her out to the truck, loading her in the back, Candy started to climb in but Starke restrained her and said, "She’ll be out for awhile you can ride up front with me." He shook Ed's hand thanking him, and then they both got in the pick-up and headed back, when they got there, together they lifted the doe and walked a distance from the cabin and gently lay her down in the shade on the grass, they saw Apples standing at the edge of trees, waiting, as they retreated, they saw him walking towards the doe, he bent his head sniffing her, then gently was nudging her awake and they saw that she was starting to regain consciousness once again.

They made their way up to the porch and sat down in the two rockers there, so they could keep an eye on the deer, Starke took Candy's hand kissing her knuckles and he said, "you were wonderful today, I couldn't have done this without you," oh look, she's starting to get up on shaky legs, and they watched quietly for a few minutes. She was on her feet now, and Apples was very close as if he was speaking into her ear, they started to walk towards the woods together, but then stopped, and the big buck turned his head looking towards the porch, and bobbed it up and down twice, then turned again and they disappeared into the forest. With that Candy said, "well I don't know about you but that's all the thanks, I needed" Starke said, "you betcha" "now what do you say we go in and get the breakfast we missed?" And that's just what they did.

Later when they had finished eating and clearing things away, Starke said, "why don't we get dressed to go to mom's earlier then we intended, we can swing by our property to see if anything has been started" that sounds like a plan to me, Candy said as she walked to the bedroom, he shouted after her, "would you like some company in the shower?" don't think so she replied or we won't have time to swing by the property, she chuckled, besides we don't want to wear this all out before we're married, she heard him laugh heartily, not a chance he replied, I'm saving all my best moves for the honeymoon.

While in the shower, Candy was thinking how blessed she was to find this man, they were so compatible the old cliché’s didn't even apply to them, such as sole mates, spiritual, etc. they were bonded on a celestial plane like the cyberspace that brought them together. Copyright 2016 - 2024