As they laid her on the table, Starke said, "by the way Ed old buddy, this is the lady I'm marrying in about two weeks, Candy meet Ed my old school chum, they said, hi and Ed said, "I figured as much since I got my invitation the wedding , I can see her love of animals is as strong as ours, I like her, she's a keeper, and he winked at her ... now clear out and let me get to work."

They drove back to the cabin, Candy asked, "will she be okay?“ oh yes, Ed will see to it, now I've got to convince Apples," so when they got back Candy went inside and he sat on the lower step and had a nice long talk with his friend. When the buck, turned and slowly made his way back to the edge of the forest, Starke knew he understood, and he got up and went inside to wait for the call he knew would come from Ed, when she was stable. He had decided to make his reports on this matter tomorrow rather than on a Sunday, he would not let this drop, these guys had to be caught and soon.

It was about an hour and a half, when the phone call came, Starke answered, Ed here, he heard from the other end, yeah buddy, and how’s she doing? Well I took an x-ray and saw the bullet lodged in a place, I thought it best to just leave it be, and no vital organs were hit, so I cleaned the wound and closed it with this new antiseptic super glue and she should be just fine.

Ok, great, "can you keep her sedated till we get there and can get her home?'' "Sure thing, I'll be looking for you in a few minutes." And he hung up. He turned to Candy and said, "We can go get her she'll be just fine," her big smile was all he needed to see, and they were out the door.

They arrived back at the clinic in record time, went in and Starke ask, "What do I owe ya, doc?" Ed said, "Absolutely nothing, you know I work for free, for our wild animal friends, but then I suspect this one isn't so wild is she? Is this Apple's lady?" "Yep," "that's what I figured. Okay well then let's get her loaded and back to her fellow, I bet he's waiting for her. "Candy was listening to the two men, and their easy manner with each other and she knew they had been through something like this before. Copyright 2016 - 2024