Julie called the bakery where she ordered all the K's birthday cakes, and ordered a special wedding cake for a garden wedding, she had orders from Starke to send all bills to him, and to spare no expense, he wanted Candee to have a wedding she'd never forget and he'd never regret giving her.

Then Anne and Julie's spent an hour on the phone discussing the menu before calling a caterer, to order food and champagne. They also discussed getting together with Candee and Starke to go over the guest list one more time before ordering invitations, which needed to be done soon in order to get them in the mail, quickly. So far things were going very smoothly, and they felt certain it could be done. It was up to the groom to plan the honeymoon, but Julie said, she'd remind him to take care of it.

The work day was ending now for the most part, Starke talked to Cam before leaving, Cam said, he still had some things to wrap up, so Starke said, "well I'll see you tomorrow then" and he left headquarters, on the way home he stopped and picked up some Chinese takeo ut, because being away over the weekend left him without any left over’s from his mom.

Candee left work also and made a stop at the bridal store in town, to make an appointment for Saturday to choose the dress for her wedding, she had some money saved up, because she lived a simple life and never spent money foolishly .If it took all of her money, she would have the perfect dress. Her husband to be, did tell her she'd never have to worry about money again and that she could count on, so this one time in her life she would throw caution to the wind and hopefully be a beautiful bride for Starke, the man she loved.

Gloria was locking up her shop, and getting ready to head home, saying goodnight to her girls as they headed to their cars, and thinking about calling Chad later, who was probably already at home, his work days were shorter then hers were most days, because he got a much earlier start to his day by about three hours, the papers came out very early, and he liked to check on his newss tands and the people working them, many days he had to man one of them all day himself, then he did his checking by cell phone.

Starke entered his cabin, pulled his boots off and pulling what he needed from his cabinets and drawers; he sat down to eat his food while it was stilt hot. Then he'd grab a shower and get comfortable before he'd call Candee .. He wanted time to relax before talking to her, he did not want to upset her about going out with the force today to bring in a criminal, so he would play it down somewhat and telling her how young this boy was should do that and of course he thought, not mentioning the shotgun would help a lot .

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