Their salads came then and they ate quietly for awhile, enjoying the ambiance and glancing out of the large windows, Candee noticed it was growing dark, and tiny lights were coming on outside among the trees and shrubs, and the outside was taking on a whole new look of its own, she commented on this to Starke, just then, she said, "it looks like a fairytale is taking shape outside, I expect to see fairies or gnomes darting about any minute." He said, "Keep your eyes open and you just might!" and they both chuckled.

Then their dinners came, and everything was superb and served so beautifully on fine china, and they ate with beautiful silverware, Candee had never experienced this kind of fine dining or for that matter, this kind of weekend getaway.

When they had finished their dinner, Starke said, “I’ve ordered our dessert to be brought to our suite," I hope that is okay with you?, 1 knew we'd be too full to have it here, this will give us time to relax before we enjoy our dessert," she said, "that is a wonderful idea" they did however have a cup of coffee before they headed back, and on their way through the dining room they noticed a couple from that afternoon and stopped by their table to say hello, as it turned out they were spending their honeymoon weekend at the inn, they looked radiant and happy, and Starke and Candee wished them well before they left the dining room, they walked slowly back to their suite, stopping now and then to peer out of the windows or French doors along the way as each scene was different and each one prettier than one before. Starke stole a kiss every so often when he saw they were alone in a hallway, and she kissed him back fervently.

They arrived at the door to their suite and Starke opened the door, there was only one soft light in the room, so they noticed what looked like lighting outside of the French doors on the side of the suite, they all had semi sheer curtains so you could not see clearly, there were heavy drapes but they had been drawn back all day. Starke knew what was out there but Candee did not.

He saw that she was curious so he said, "why don't you open those doors and see what is out there?" So she walked over and opened both doors, and gasp, as she walked through the doors, he followed, she said, ··1 can't believe this, as she looked around, for she was in a private garden that was all enclosed in glass, even the roof And right in the middle was a great big hot tub, with marble topped tables attached on two of the comers, and sitting on one was a silver champagne bucket with two crystal glass, candles were everywhere, the flowers smelled so wonderful and there was music playing softly, it was all so breath taking. Copyright 2016 - 2024