She asks how his dinner was with Anne and how she is doing. And they talked about that for some time, and then he said, "How would you feel about going away with me over next weekend." Not terribly far away, but to a place where we can be pampered if we want to be, or just relax ifwe choose and have some fun and enjoy some sumptuous food all at the same time, how do you feel about that? Where is this place? She wanted to know. He said, "A fabulous Bed and Breakfast Inn that I happen to know of, not terribly far from my cabin."

She said. "I had no idea places like that really exist" she then said, "what time would you like me to be ready?" He said, "Saturday morning about ten in the morning, check out time there is eleven, we can check in about noon." She said, ''it all sounds just wonderful, but I'm afraid it's going to be a long week ahead," he said, "I'll call you every evening, that will make our time go faster," she said, "ok, I'll count on that".

They talked awhile longer, actually longer than they both intended because they were taking turns yawning, before they decided they had better say goodnight and, turn in, she said, that way we can get this next week started and be together that much faster., he said, "I like your way of thinking." And then they finally hung up.

Starke planned to be in town bright and early, he had a special jewelry store to visit. Monday, had arrived the world was waking up and it was a dreary day with the promise of rain to come at any time. Starke decided to abandon his morning bike ride, and to instead be in town when the stores opened, so he headed for the shower after putting on a small pot of coffee, and got dressed and he was headed out the door by eight o'clock, he made a quick stop at his bank to have sufficient funds transferred into his checking account, then he walked the short distance to the jeweler. He opened the door to a hear the low buzz of security, the clerk came immediately from the back room, and he said, good morning sir, how may l help you?

Starke said, ''I'm looking for a very special diamond ring for the lady, 1 plan to marry" the clerk said, "well sir let me show you some I hope you will like," he pulled up one tray from the case with clear beautiful diamonds, Starke shook his head no, these are not it, then he spotted a tray with colored diamonds, may I see those please, he noticed one eyebrow lift of the clerk, but he reached into the case and brought that tray up for Starke to see, he lifted a blue diamond, put it back, lifted a pink diamond, no, he said, then he saw it, ah! he said this is more like it, he then told the clerk, my pretty lady has golden honey brown eyes, and brunette hair with highlights of golden honey, and this emerald cut, honey yellow diamond set in yellow gold of course, will be perfect for her. Copyright 2016 - 2024