They walked up to the door, he rapped twice, and Cameron carne to the door, hey ,bro come on in, as he swung the door wide, he gave Candee the once over as she passed through the doorway, and gave a low whistle, this got him a punch on the arm from Starke, ouch, damn Starke that hurt, yeah, right said Starke, Wimp !, they were exactly like brothers thought Candee, Starke being the older of the two, Cam must be closer to her age or maybe a few years older, and quite handsome, they walked towards the rear of the house to the kitchen where they found Julie, chopping onions, she turned around and had tears streaming down her face, Starke said, "hi Julie, this big bully making you cry again?" She laughed and said, "no it's just these dam onions, tried every one of those remedies not a one works," and she said "you must be Candee and put her hand out, took Candee's hand and said welcome, welcome, I need another woman around here, till my little one grows up and we can even up the score somewhat," and she glared at her husband, who said speaking of the three K's where are they? Oh, they just went out and we'd better get out there before they get into all kinds of trouble, and so they all went out. "What a nice big yard" Candee said, then the kids spotted them and carne running, the dog got there first and carne to a stop noticing someone new, he woofed deeply, then sat in front of Candee and offered his paw, "how sweet" she said, and took it for a shake.

The two boys screeched to a stop in front of the adults, and the little girl toddled behind them, tumbling down now and then but getting right back up and toddling on.

She was introduced to Kevin first, he put out his hand, and said hello, very grown-up, then next came Kyle, he said hi, while looking at his shoes, then Julie said and this is Katie and the little girl, put her hands up and said up, so Candee picked her up and she immediately hugged her neck, and she saw Starke over her shoulder and said, hi unk ... and the boys said in unison hi uncle Starke, he said, "hi, kids" and almost immediately they said, "hey dad, can we go up in our tree house now," he said "yeah, go ahead, you've been waiting to greet our new arrival long enough, get going," and they took off running as fast as they could go, towards the back of the property .Cameron said, Starke you'll have to show Candee the cool tree house we built for the boys later, Starke said, yes I will do that, he looked at Candee and said it's a beauty, we improved a whole lot over the one we had as kids isn't that right Cam? Absolutely! Copyright 2016 - 2024