Gloria sat in the waiting room sipping coffee waiting for word about Chad, and finally a Dr. walked in and approached his father, and she got up with the magazine she had been holding and discreetly moved closer so that she could hear what he had to say. It seems he has suffered a mild concussion, due to a shaking of the brain, and he is coming around now and would be fine with some rest, she could see the relief wash over his father's face and she was elated to hear this.

The doctor told his dad that he could go in to see his son, and he started towards the door, he hesitated briefly, turned and looked at Gloria giving her a mischievous wink as if he knew a wonderful secret.

She waited around another hour or so and then crept down the hall to Chad's room, she peeked inside and saw that he was alone, she quietly went in and he was of course sleeping, she stood at the foot of the bed, and thought he not only was handsome and rugged looking but young and innocent with a shock of hair falling down over one eye, she wanted to brush that hair back but did not dare for fear of startling him into a sudden movement, not good for a head injury.

Gloria didn't realize that the sun was beginning to make its decent, but was still streaming through the window with a golden orange glow and was shining off of her beautiful red hair and as Chad came slowly awake, he thought he had died and was in heaven, as her hair glowed as though it had a halo around it, he thought she was an angel, he blinked but she was still there, And so all he said was angel? She thought she did not hear him right and leaned closer, what she ask? Softly, he said, "Are you an angel?" No she said, "I'm Gloria," died? He asked, then it dawned on her that he thought he had died and she was an angel, "oh, far from it honey" she said, this brought a smile to his lips.

Dry, Chad said, so she reached for his water and put it to his lips so he could drink, he had beautiful lush lips she noticed, he was also drinking in as much of her as he could, the scent of her, the glow of that glorious hair. His eyes got heavy again and wouldn't stay open so he drifted back to sleep. Gloria reached up and yanked a long strand out of her hair and very carefully wrapped it around his finger, and then she left. Copyright 2016 - 2024