Starke made himself comfortable, and reached to the bottom of the picnic basket where he had stowed his laptop and settled down to get a little work done, although he knew this wasn't going to be easy with his thoughts drifting to lovely woman sleeping just a few feet away from him, he was falling hopelessly in love with her , and it was taking all his concentration to keep himself from going in and waking her with kisses right now.

After about an hour he did just that, he packed up his laptop, and quietly went to the door, he stealthily crawled up beside her and very gently kissed her on the lips, she did not respond as she was still deeply asleep, he watched her a few minutes then he kissed her again, this time applying a little more pressure, opening his lips slightly as to allow him to deepen the kiss as she awakened, this time she responded, and put her arms around his neck pulling him closer.

He put his hand on her breast directly over her heart, and she sighed, they made love that day in the small cabin of his boat and it was so beautiful, when they were both exhausted they fell asleep in each other's arms and awoke just before dusk.

Starke said we had better be getting in or the park ranger will be out searching for us when he sees my truck is still in the parking lot. And so they dressed and packed up their things and headed in, both knowing they had taken a very important step in their relationship this day.

As they approached the dock they saw someone standing there and sure enough it was the ranger with a worried frown on his face, he helped tie up the boat and said I was just fixing to come looking for you, Starke, you aren't usually out this late, Candee blushed and the ranger smiled, we close the gate at 8:00, Mam and it's 7:15 now, no problem, I was getting worried that you had engine trouble or some such, and he faked a cough, Starke laughed he couldn't help himself he knew Marty to long and knew he was up to mischief is all, he was a big tease always was.

They gathered their things from the boat and headed up to the truck, Starke slipped one arm around Candee as they walked up the hill, it was a possessive gesture that she liked and felt very natural to her. He said will you come tomorrow to meet my mom? She said so soon? He said she's counting on it, she is oh my ,really? He said yep, well then we can't disappoint your mother now can we? I'll pick you up at 3:00 we eat early on a Sunday kind of real late lunch, early supper but on Sunday we call it dinner, it that okay? it's perfect she said .He drove her home, took her to the door gave her a brief kiss and said see you at 3:00 tomorrow and he walked off with a bounce in his step, she noticed, as she let herself in. What a perfect day she thought. Copyright 2016 - 2024