"We're going to have more privacy too, Mrs. Baylor, Cam teased her with, " "oh boy, if this is leading to phone sex, my dear husband, you better save it for another time, a couple just walked through the door." aw shucks,? She heard, see you later, love you."

Later that afternoon, Candee was in the kitchen thinking about what she'd make for supper, when there was a tap, tap on the door and she saw Anne standing there she motioned her in, walked over to her and gave her a hug, saying "hi, mom what a nice surprise, " "hello dear, I was out and about and thought I'd stop by, I had a yearning to see my grandchildren. She noticed Jamie in his play yard and went over to scoop him up into her arms he already had his arms out waiting for his grandma to come get him.

And where is my granddaughter, she asked, "here have a seat, Anne", Jamie is too heavy to stand holding him, and Candee pulled a stool out at the snack bar, by the big island in the center of the kitchen. Anne settled Jamie on her knee, and Candee handed her the two way radio, so that Anne could surprise Marie with her presence.

She pushed the button on the side and announced, "Marie my darling girl, this is your grandmother, where are you child?" she heard a squeal of delight, "grandma, I'm here in the playhouse with my best friend Katie, are you at my house?" "Yes, dear", "we'll be right up", Candee walked over to the door so she could watch as Marie and Katie, with Taffy at their heels came running up the yard towards the house.

They burst through the now open door, hurried over to Anne and each gave her a kiss one on one cheek and one on the other, and said hi grandma, as Katie had come to believe over the years she was her grandmother also. "Will you stay, till daddy comes home and stay to eat with us?" Marie ask, "oh, yes mom please do stay, Candee added" "alright I'll do that, as she hugged Jamie closer," "goodie, goodie' Marie exclaimed as she clapped her little hands."

Awhile later Julie stopped in to pick up Katie, and had a glass of ice-tea, and a nice visit, she discussed the idea of renting the shop next to them and opening up the wall to expand, as they really could use the additional space.

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