Jamie was still napping, and Candee had poured herself a glass of ice tea and had taken it out onto the patio, to enjoy some of the beautiful day, she set the baby monitor beside her. She looked out over the expanses of lawn, and the different flower garden areas, and of course the playhouse, over on the one side, then she thought she spotted movement in the wooded area that ran all along the rear of the large properties, giving privacy to each of the homes, if they crossed through the trees they would come to Cameron's house, but if they went left or right they would walk quite a distance before coming to the next street. Not only did she think she saw movement but she felt as though someone was watching her, it gave her the chills on this very warm day, she picked up the two way radio, and called Marie, "yes mommy it's me" honey do mommy a favor and lock your door, and before you and Katie leave to come up to the house, call mommy and let me know, okay sweetie?" okay mommy, I will."

The phone rang then and it was Starke, she answered on the portable that she had with her, "hello," "hi sweetheart, is everything alright at home?” yes, but funny you would call this minute," "oh why is that?' I'm sitting outside and I thought for a brief second that I saw someone in the woods behind our house, and felt as though someone was watching me? "it's probably a kid taking a shortcut home from somewhere" he suggested, your probably right, but I called to Marie in the playhouse and had her lock her door, " "now that's a good idea" have her call you before she comes up to the house,' "I'm one step ahead of you on that,"" that's my girl," "she chuckled, "comes from being married to a cop, I guess" and she heard him chuckle too.

She heard their son just then over the baby monitor, and told his daddy she had better go tend to him or he'd be making it known soon that he wanted up, they had a few more words and then ended their conversation, and she bounded up the stairs to take care of Jamie. Cameron gave Julie a call too, just to see how her day was going, she mentioned the possibility of taking the vacant shop next door, and tearing down the wall in between and expanding, as they could make good use of the extra room, he thought it was a great idea, but she had better run it by her partner first, "of course I will, Candee knows it is available, but does not realize that I'm seriously considering it." they talked about their boys going off to camp for two weeks, and how quiet the house would be with only Katie's shrieks or giggles every now and then to break up the quietness.

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