They drank their coffee, got refills all around, and the women talked about the wedding they had coming up, it was to be smaller than most but intimate and lovely, they agreed their minds were on over load each coming up with idea's to make it special for this couple. Candee had a wonderful idea, tell the guys about it Candee, see what they think, "alright", since this is a couple with small families, the gathering will not number in the hundreds, but actually under a hundred,

I came up with the idea of sending a disposable camera along with the invitation to each guest on the list in a package. Looking very much like a gift, with instructions to take candid shots of the wedding, anytime except during the actual ceremony. There will of course be mailers, postage paid with each camera so they can send them off at their convenience, it will be set up with the processor to make two copies of each print one to go to the guest and one to go to the bride and groom. This way the guest feel very involved in the wedding and I'm sure the pictures will be interesting and a delight to the couple, as they start arriving to their mailbox, I'm sure not until after they get home from their honeymoon though, and it will be a special gift each day as they check their mailbox.

The men started applauding Candee, "bravo," "that's a brilliant idea," Cameron said, "I'll second that" came from Starke, we can see why you two are so successful in your business, with idea's like that. "Thank you, they both said in unison." Starke noticed then that while his mother was talking, their son, had fallen asleep in Julie's arms, so he got up quietly and took him from her, said, "I'll be right back," and he took Jamie in to lay him in his crib, and was back in about five minutes.

He checked on the girls, before rejoining the adults in the living room. He set the baby monitor on the coffee table. When I looked outside just now, the girls were on the swings that we hung from the branches of that huge maple tree, and talking a mile a minute, Taffy is with them now laying in the shade of the tree, so all is well outside. "Honestly Julie remarked you'd never think those two girls see each other every day as they do."

Julie spoke up then, "we had a nice surprise last evening, we must tell you about" "oh?" we received a phone call around six o'clock and it was Danny, seemed he had a date last night and wanted to know if he could stop by for a few minutes with her so that we all could meet her, wasn't that the sweetest thing. And so you met Bonnie?, Starke asked, "yes, we did, and she's very nice, cute as can be, and built like a brick you know what, Cam interjected, Starke laughed. Copyright 2016 - 2024