Candee announced, "I'll go make a fresh pot of coffee, then we can have a nice visit." Starke said, okay but Cam and I are going to take a walk around outside first, then we’ll be in for coffee."

"Alright come on Julie you can keep me company in the kitchen." Marie, came bouncing in just then, asking for another bag of sunflower seeds, "Katie is going to help me feed our squirrels," so Candee reached into the refrigerator and withdrew two bags, one for each of them. "Here you go honey, those squirrels are going to get so fat they won't be able to climb the trees," Marie giggled as she darted to the door.

The men were walking all around the property, looking for any clue of a stranger being there recently, this also gave them a chance to talk. Have you come up with anything? Starke asked, just a theory at this point,' and that would be what?" well you know there are cabins scattered all over the Pocono's and many of them are owned by people in the city, wealthy people, like yourself, and used only for weekends, vacations, hunting, fishing etc." "You told me it was as if someone was searching for something, I was thinking maybe for the location or address of the owner, which would also be the location of the loot, if robbery is the motive." "I'm glad, that I set our alarm system then before we left."

The men stepped back into the cabin, and Candee started pouring the coffee. "Are thegirls alright?; Julie ask, just fine, replied Cam, they're sitting on the steps, being entertained by a bunch of squirrels, and some chipmunks too, and they've got Taffy's leash wrapped around the post on the porch, so she can't chase them away. "Then we better have our coffee right here, there's so much giggling and laughing going on out there, Starke motioned over his shoulder, we couldn't hear each other, if we tried." "Why don't we go get comfortable in the living room area" Candee said, as she came around from behind the snack bar, she set her coffee on and end table, and went to scoop Jamie up out of his play yard, Julie immediately reached for him, and Candee handed him over to his Aunt Julie.

"You know, Julie said, this little guy is the only one of our kids who isn't going to have a playmate his age, unless of course you do something about that?" and she laughed, Candee came right back with, "well you could do something about that too, you know?" And they al laughed. Copyright 2016 - 2024