While they were at the site of their new house while she was pre- occupied, he pulled the builder aside and told him to go ahead with what they had talked about before going away, the builders eyes got big but he made no comment, only nodded his head, Yes. It was a minor change in the master suite of the house, that would have been made sooner if not later anyway, a small room on the other side of one of the walls in the master bedroom is now to be opened up and have a set of pocket double doors leading directly Into what he planned would be the nursery for their child that he hoped, Candee was carrying. He knew this is what she would want to be close to her baby, even with all the computerized equipment that would be installed in the house, the nursery would be part of the master suite until! The child was old enough to be moved into his or her own room.

He planned every detail of this house, even having a small elevator put in, in case they needed it at any time or as they grew old together, they planned to never move from this home, and so he made sure it would be perfect.

Starke went back to work the following week, to a raucous welcome back from the guys, handshakes, slaps on the back etc. lots of jabs about the honeymoon, about looking sort of tired out at his age and such, there was plenty of laughter not at him but with him.

Candee and Julie got together to talk about setting up the business venture, they were now seriously talking over, that being the wedding planning business, they talked about finding a nice shop in which to locate, somewhere in town they hoped.

Candee had to bite her tongue a few times to keep her secret, until it was confirmed by the doctor. At times it was very hard to do with Julie, and adorable Katie sitting a few feet away playing with her dolls. It was difficult to contain her excited anticipation of the prospect of becoming a mother, a family, a real family, like this one she had come to admire and love so much.

So I was thinking as Julie continued on with what she was saying, "what do you think about making our shop cozy, even having a table and chairs were we can serve our clients tea or coffee etc. as they browse the catalogs" Candee? "Oh, my what were you asking? As she was snapped out of her deep thoughts." Julie laughed and said, "guess you were thinking about that handsome husband of yours," and went on to repeat all she had said before.

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