Candee said, "I look forward to the holidays with my new family, I just know the best of times are still to come for all of us." He took her in his arms and kissed her with such a passion, that left them both breathless, and perspiring, so he said, "let's get those swim suits on and cool off, what do you say?" "Okay, but this might be a good time to tell you, I never learned to swim," well then your first lesson is in about five minutes, so go get that suit on, as he pulled her to her feet.

They had fun in the water and Starke was so gentle and patient with her, by the time they got out to have some lunch, she knew how to doggie paddle, and float, that was a very good beginning. After digging into their lunch and having a glass of wine, they stretched out on the blanket to sunbathe and both fell fast asleep, thankfully the sun had moved enough that the branches of the large trees behind them shaded them from the burning sun.

Candee had a pleasant dream of her wedding to come, and in her dream as they were about to arrive at the honeymoon destination, she woke up, "well dam, she said out loud," which woke Starke, he ask what's the matter? She told him, "I was dreaming and about to find out where our honeymoon would take place, when I woke up!" He laughed, and laughed, which brought a punch on the arm from her," "it's not that funny," she said ..

They hadn't realized the hours had flew by and it was going on four o'clock, so

They gathered up their things and when Candee was safely on board Starke pushed the boat into the water, and then climbed aboard himself, he put it in reverse and backed out into deeper water before turning and heading back down the lake. Candee went into the cabin and pulled her shorts and shirt on over her suit, then Starke said, "take the wheel and just keep her steady on course, and I'll go slip my clothes on over my suit also."

When he came back out he said, " how about if we pick up some take out on the way back to the cabin, that will give us more time to relax after our full day?" sounds good, she replied, I'm sort of in the mood for Chinese," "great, I know a just the place for that." Copyright 2016 - 2024