As they set their cups down each rose slowly and made their way down the steps, with some cut up apples in their palms, the female went right to Candee and the male to Starke, Candee said softly, "guess we had a female bonding, the day she was shot" he replied, yes, I do believe that we all bonded that day. When they had, had their fill, they turned and walked to the others, then Starke went out to scatter more for all of them to enjoy.

When they had gone back up on the porch. Candee said, 'I'll go in and get us a refill, and a piece of the cake. They enjoyed about a half hour out there, then decided they had better dress and go for that bike ride, before it got any warmer. They were both puffing by the time they got back and stored the bikes in the garage. Inside, Starke got the picnic basket out and together it was filled with goodies in no time, what do you say to taking our swimsuits and a few towels, it may get so warm we may decide to take a dip in the lake; she looked over at him a bit shocked, but said okay.

So they drove to the lake and boarded the boat then headed out onto the lake, they saw that there were quite a few boaters enjoying the warm weather, some were water skiing, or simply jumping off the boats for a swim. A few boats were sitting quietly nearer the shorelines, fishing, no doubt.

Starke went much farther down the lake then they had gone before, and what appeared to Candee to be a shoreline off to the right was actually an island, with what looked like a sandy beach, he said to her then, sit down and hold on, and he revved the engine and headed for the beach, while raising the prop, the boat slid right up on the beach. He jumped off and pulled it up a little more, secured the line around a tree, then he said, "hand me the blanket and basket" which she did, then she stepped out herself

"We seem to have this place all to ourselves?" that's very possible, but there may be someone fishing around the other side, because that is known as a great fishing hole. So we will need our suits if we go swimming later. "I see is all she said."

They sat down on the blanket and talked about their future beginning next weekend with their wedding, and then the conversation drifted to the house, that was now under construction, and the life they would have together and the fun and of course sharing all of it with their now best friends, to both of them, who would be only a short walk across the back of the properties, separated only by beautiful old trees .. Copyright 2016 - 2024