"Do you have an idea of where you would locate your place of business?" "Yes, I've already got a large building right on my dad's property, which he keeps telling me will be mine one day and to use it as if it were, so I will no doubt expand right there, and a little advertising on the right website's should take care of bringing in the work."

Gloria reached across the table and put her hand on top of his, "I only hope this will not consume so much of your time that we will drift apart and not have our fun times together." "That will not happen Chad replied, I may work late one or two evenings a week but most nights will be free as well as Sat. and Sun. evenings. I have good people running my newss tands and unless there is a major problem, I won't be working them myself" my dad said, he will start filling in for me at the animal shelter, which is as a volunteer so that will work out for both of us and it gives him something to do also. "Well then it looks like you've got things all worked out and it sounds like a plan to me," and they both shared a laugh.

They finished their pie and coffee, then walked back to their cars holding hands as they walked and when they got back to the cars, they kissed and kissed as if it was going to be the last, even though they knew for sure, it would not be, far from it. Then they finally said goodnight and got in their cars and drove off in different directions.

Chad was thinking about their conversation and although he had many of the details worked out he really did want to know what she thought because he had a feeling she would be in his life for some time, he was becoming very comfortable knowing that she was only a phone can away or just across the Internet or best of an in his arms on a dance floor.

Gloria was doing some thinking of her own, there is so much more to this guy than anyone who chatted with him in the chat rooms would or could ever imagine, she's very happy that she pursued meeting him and getting to know him. And now they either e-mail or use their instant messenger to talk on line, they no longer need to get involved in chat rooms and this as she found out is a much safer way to communicate. She let herself in and scooped up the cat for a hug, as she walked into her bedroom, tomorrow was still another work day, plus a half day Saturday. Then she would see Chad once again for their usual Saturday night date.

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