Chad and Gloria were at their weekly dance lessons and having a great time, the other students and the instructor commented often how smooth and natural they danced together, and quite often let them have the floor, just so they could watch. As the lessons were winding up, Chad said, "are you in the mood for a cup of coffee, we can walk to the coffee shop from here, then double back for our cars." "Okay, that sounds great" she answered, "I have some things I'd like to discuss with you, guess I need another opinion?" so they said goodbye to the rest of the dancers and walked to the coffee shop, a few doors away.

The waitress took their order, pie and coffee for both of them and then when she walked away he began, "you know 1 have reached my goal in the demolition derby races, I received the championship trophy, so I've been planning for sometime of stopping while I'm on top." "Really?" she exclaimed, her eyes getting larger. Yes, "I used my winnings to supplement my hobby of restoring antique cars, and I've done real well at that, have quite a few cars worth a bundle, and I enjoy this hobby so much, that I thought I'd go into the business of restoring for other antique car enthusiast, and I believe there are many of them that are not willing or capable of doing the actual work themselves."

Much of this work would be done on weekends because during the week, I check on my newss tands, and the races were pretty much tying up my weekends. Most of the people who collect antique cars have the means to have the work done for them, and I believe this could be quite a lucrative business for me. Now my question is what do you think of this idea?

What do I think? "Well let me begin by saying, while I enjoyed watching the demolition races for the excitement the goes along with it, now that we've gotten to know each other and are enjoying being together, I'd like very much to keep you around and intact for a few more years at the very least, you've been very lucky so far in this career to receive nothing more than a good knock on the head, which as it turned out was lucky for me as well, it seemed to bring us together although in an unconventional way, and she chuckled."

"As for this new direction you'd like to go in, I see no reason why you wouldn't be successful, the cars you've restored for yourself are beautiful and look like they've been driven right out of the showrooms, in whatever the year was they were made." Copyright 2016 - 2024