“Because I have eyes in my head? Nah, that’s not it. I don’t think anyone else realized it because it’s not something they’d expect. I guess because I’ve always swung both ways, it’s easier for me to spot. Not that I ever would have thought that about you, until I saw you that night with Noah.”

Cooper looked around them, toward the door to make sure no one lingered, and then managed to find his tongue. “That’s because it’s never been that way for me, man. Never. Not until him.”

Braden’s eyebrows went up, looking skeptical. “Never? I mean, no attraction or anything? I always knew I was bi. Even before I really knew what that was, I noticed males and females. Freaked me out a little when I was a teenager but, bodies are beautiful. Both sexes, and I enjoy the hell out of both of them. You’re saying you never felt it before? I call bullshit.”

“Fuck you. Why would I lie?”

Braden shrugged. “Guess you’re right. That probably has your head all fucked-up. No wonder I thought you were going to go postal in the bar the other night. You’ve been missing out, though.” Again, Braden winked. “There’s nothing like being with another man, which is why I want Wes’s fucking number.”

Coop almost told him to back off; that the other man was dealing with a dying sister, but he didn’t know if it was his place. If Wes had wanted him to know, he would have told him. “I’ll see what Noah thinks. Can we get back to the part that you’re bisexual and I never knew it? Why is that?”

Honestly, a man being bi wasn’t something he had ever thought about before. Maybe it made him sound like a prick, but before Noah, he wouldn’t have said it was possible. If a man wanted women, he only wanted women. Now, he knew that wasn’t true. But hell, did that mean he was bi? Like Braden said, he should have known it.

There were some sounds and laughing in the hallway. Both men clammed up until the voices faded to a whisper before disappearing all together.

“It’s not something I hide, but it’s not my first line when I introduce myself either. There aren’t a lot of options in Blackcreek, so I guess, it’s always women who I’ve found to hook up with, before Wes, that is.”

He guessed that made sense. And Braden had only lived around here going on eight months, so it wasn’t like they’d known each other for years or anything. Cooper leaned forward, elbows on his knees. It was different talking to Braden than Noah. Easier probably, since Braden wasn’t the one he’d been fucking for three days. “Was it hard for you? I know you said it was when you were a teenager but… How the fuck do I tell people I’m with a man? Hell, I’ve never even had to introduce a real girlfriend to someone, and now I’m supposed throw a man into that place. But…I want him there. More than anything, I want him there.”

Cooper was cracking the hell up, that’s what he was doing. He’d never talked to anyone like this in his life. But he didn’t want to screw this thing up with Noah either.

“You just do it.” Braden spoke slowly, firm with a seriousness Cooper didn’t often hear from him. “For the life of me, I will never understand why people give a shit who someone else loves.”

Love? Cooper had never been in love in his life. But then…this was Noah. Noah had always been different. He’d always been more. The fact that they were together at all proved that. His pulse kicked up and his hands began to sweat. Could he be in love with Noah?

Braden stood. “Or, I guess I should also say, why people care who someone else fucks.” He held out his hand, Cooper took it and they shook. “I’m out of here, man. Let me know what your guy says about the number, and if you ever need to talk, I’m here.”

All Coop could do, was nod.


Noah was on the back deck when Coop got home. He’d spent most of the day working outside and had just finished his shower before coming back out. “I heard about the fire. Everything’s okay?” he asked, as the man leaned against the deck.

“No one was hurt, if that’s what you mean.”

It was partially what he meant but not all of it. He had no doubt Coop knew that, too. A big fire close to the anniversary of his parents’ death, couldn’t be easy for his friend.

“I don’t feel like talking about it right now. I had the craziest conversation with Braden today. He fucked your friend the other night.”

Noah’s cell almost tumbled out of his hand. “He’s gay?”

Coop shrugged. “Bisexual, I guess. I didn’t know until today. He wants Wes’s number. I said I’d see what you thought. The guy bailed on him while Braden was sleeping.”

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