“That’s good,” Noah smiled. “Because I told you earlier, if we did this, that made you mine.”

“But what if I want you to be mine?” Cooper moved his hips, their cocks touching and hardening again.

“Are you sure that’s what you really want?”

“Fuck yes…” Cooper closed his eyes, thrusting his hips harder. “Which means, that bastard needs to stay away from you.”

Noah cupped his friend’s ass, holding him in place. Coop opened his eyes again. “I wasn’t there to fuck him. I wanted you. His sister is dying and he needs a friend.”

Emotions washed over Cooper’s face, before he gave Noah a simple nod in understanding.

Noah smiled. “Now get me off again or let me go to sleep.”

Coop chose the former.


A couple days had passed since Cooper came to terms with the fact that at thirty, he was not only in his first relationship, but it was with another man. He didn’t know if it made him gay or what. All he knew was, he wanted Noah. He needed Noah.

They still had things to work through. Noah seemed to understand that Cooper was in this as much as Noah, but he wasn’t ready to go public yet. It made his gut twist to ask that of Noah, but he didn’t know what else to do. He had so much to figure out—how to deal with the guys at the station when they found out. And, his uncle. Even though things were fucking incredible, they were still a mass of confusion in his head.

And he needed to talk to Vernon and Autumn first, something Cooper had to do the right way, at the right time.

He knew that and though he hated it, Noah agreed with him. They were figuring this whole thing out between the two of them, before they went public.

“But not long, Coop. I won’t do it for very long…”

Coop knew he shouldn’t have to. And he wouldn’t. Cooper would find a way to make this all work out so his family would understand—he didn’t give a shit about anyone else. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t have to be careful about how he went forward, but ultimately, he didn’t give a shit what they thought.

Cooper stood under the spray of the shower at the firehouse. They’d gotten back not long ago from a call, sooty water, trickled down the drain beneath him. His body was hot, overheated little flashes of the red flames dancing behind his eyes.

He shook his head, trying to dislodge the picture. He loved his job. Loved being the one who went in now, rather than the one who ran out, but that didn’t mean each and every fire he’d been in, wasn’t engraved into his mind. That each one didn’t remind him of the one he ran from.

Once he was clean, Coop turned off the water and grabbed a towel. He wrapped the towel around his waist before sitting on one of the benches, by the lockers. He dropped his head back, and closed his eyes. One week. It was a little over one week until the anniversary of their death.

“How ya doing, man?”

He looked over to see Braden fall down beside him. He’d already showered and wore a pair of jeans and nothing else. “Tired. It was a long night.”

“Yeah…yeah, me too.”

This was the first shift they’d worked together since the night at the bar. Jesus, he’d embarrassed himself that night. He could only hope Braden didn’t realize what had been going down. But if he did, Cooper wanted to know, now. “Thanks for taking Wes home the other night. I was a little off my game. Got some shit going down.”

Braden nodded. “You don’t have to thank me. I didn’t have to take him home. He came home with me.” The other man winked at him and everything inside Cooper froze. Was Braden saying what he thought he was? He’d gone out with Braden a hundred times. The man did women. Always.

He must not have realized Coop was losing his shit, because he continued, “I don’t know.” Braden shook his head. “I mean, not that I’m complaining. He was a good fuck, and it’s not like I’m into the whole next day thing, but I was shocked when I woke up and he was gone. The bastard would have had to walk back to the bar for his vehicle. I was thinking, maybe if you or your guy have his number or something?” It was then, that Braden made eye contact with Cooper again. He must have noticed the look of—hell he didn’t even know what on his face, because he added, “Ah fuck. Don’t tell me I just screwed up here. I thought—”

“I’ve always seen you with women.”

“I could say the same to you.”

“How do you know that’s not still the case?” Stupid question, but he had to ask.

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