"Were too."

"What are you - six?"

"You started it." Russ had a big smile on his face, because she was just so much fun to be with.

Melanie smiled back at him. "On a more serious note, why aren't you married?"

"Too busy, first studying and then getting started on my career. I dated off and on but my studies and working got in the way of any kind of a serious relationship."

"Don't you want to get married and have a family?"

"Sure I do, someday."

"So how will you balance your workaholic tendencies with a family? What makes you think anything would be different from your previous go-nowhere relationships?"

"Simple answer - the right person. Once I have her in my life, I'll move work to second place, and family will be my first priority."

"You sound almost like you have someone in mind to fill the bill." Melanie noticed a flicker of some emotion in his eyes as she spoke, but when he answered, it was very non-committal.

"I know what I want in a wife and when the time is right, I'll have her."

"Positive thinking? Law of Attraction? Fate? Kismet? Karma? Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"Could happen if two people are really right for each other - the 'till death doth us part' kind of right. In which case, I guess you could call it Karma. Anyway, that's what I want. Something that will last for a lifetime."

"How many kids do you want?" Melanie was curious to see what he'd say since he was an only child.

"Two to four. Being an only child was okay, but some of my friends were from larger families and they really had fun together, and I'd like that for my kids."

"So, we have that all settled. Now we just have to find a wife for you."

"Shouldn't you be finding yourself a husband instead of trying to arrange my life?" Russ raised an eyebrow at her, something he seemed to do frequently when they were having their discussions.

"Nah. I've sworn off men. Once burned, twice shy. The single life suits me just fine. Nobody to answer to, no need to wonder what he's doing, or who he's doing. No thanks!" As she spoke, Melanie realized she was becoming agitated and didn't want Russ to pick up on it. Glancing at her watch, she said, "Wow! Look at the time. I'd better go." She rose and took their coffee cups to the kitchen.

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