"Are your parents living near by?"

"They have a condo here and another one in Florida, where they spend most of the winter. Because they are retired, they travel a great deal and are basically enjoying life. I visit with them whenever they come home to roost for a while. What about you? Any siblings besides Susan?"

"Nope. Just the two of us. Usually we get along well, unless she starts trying to manage my life. She thinks being the eldest entitles her. I can't wait for them to have kids so she can mother them instead of me."

"And your parents? Are they nearby as well?"

"Not at present. Dad works for an international insurance company and was recently transferred to the east coast to manage a branch office there. My mom worked in an upscale clothing store, but at the moment she's just getting them settled in their new digs. She'll start looking around for something to do when she gets adequately bored. We keep in touch by email and Skype, and I'm planning to go visit later this summer."

"So I guess I can figure out where your interest in the insurance industry came from?"

"Oh, yes! I heard many conversations about it, mostly from the company perspective, which probably helps me be a better broker. It's quite a balancing act, keeping the companies, the clients, and the brokerage all happy and treated fairly."

"I can relate to that. Sometimes my vision doesn't mesh with that of my client, so I have to change what to me is a marvelous masterpiece to something they can not only live with, but really like."

"So we have something in common." Melanie smiled at him, then said, "By the way, Russ, is it my imagination or is your hair growing longer?" Before he could answer, she exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, you are blushing! What's up with that?"

Yes - what is up with that? Must be because of the crack she made about my hair being too short. And I haven't blushed since Becky Sue kissed me on the cheek when I was nine. "I'm not blushing. It's sunburn, and I just haven't had time to go to the barber. So, since you said it was too short, should I let it grow out?"

"I've never seen it any other way, so unless or until I see it long, I can't give you an informed opinion. And you were blushing!"

"Was not."

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