Melanie chose a turkey sandwich on toasted brown, while Russ had the smoked meat on rye with fries, and a dill pickle, which he informed her, was his vegetable. "I don't eat a lot of fries, but Kelly's makes the best. What can I say?"

Taking a couple from his plate, Melanie ate them and said, "You are right. They are the best!"

"Like you didn't already know that! Don't try and tell me you've never eaten them before."

"Guilty as charged, but I also try and stay away from them. They really aren't a healthy food choice. By the way, how's the Huna book coming along? Keeping your attention?"

"It's fascinating! I'm having a hard time putting it aside so I can get my work done. I'm almost finished it, but I think I'll have to re-read it - maybe more than once. It's a whole new way of thinking and looking at things."

Pausing a moment to finish his coffee, he looked over at her with his adorable little-boy face, the dimple showing and a definite twinkle in his eye. "I have an idea. Let's get together Saturday night and you can explain some of the stuff I'm having trouble with. I'll pick up some Chinese food when I pick you up. Then I'll pick your brain. How does that sound?" He again raised an eyebrow and waited for her response.

"Like a whole lot of picking to me. Like I said on the phone, I never turn down a free meal. You've got yourself a deal."

Glancing at her watch, Melanie exclaimed, "I've gotta run. I have a client coming in to see me shortly. Thanks for lunch. I'll put coverage in place for you. See you Saturday." And this time she was the one who was gone first. Copyright 2016 - 2024