"Nevertheless, I think I'll take myself off. I have some work I need to catch up on after being away." What he didn't say was how difficult it was to keep his distance if they were inside in her cozy living room. It was too soon and he didn't want to take a chance and spoil everything. Picking up the book on Huna, he walked over, opened the door, and said, "Thanks again, Melanie. Goodnight." And he was gone.

Again Melanie was left wondering about him. Why wasn't he making a move on her? Not that she desperately wanted him to. She knew she wasn't ready for another close relationship yet, but his behavior was most unusual.

On Wednesday morning, he called. "Hi Melanie. Can you meet me at Kelly's at twelve? I'm really snowed under here, so I thought I could buy you lunch and tell you what insurance coverage I've decided to put in place." What he left unsaid was the fact that he just wanted to see her again.

"I never turn down a free lunch! See you there."

Melanie was excited for the rest of the morning, watching the clock, and wondering if she looked okay. At eleven-thirty she went into the washroom, checked her hair and makeup, and decided she was presentable. She didn't stop to wonder why she was so nervous, when she was just meeting a friend to discuss business.

Arriving at Kelly's, she found Russ already seated in a back booth with a coffee in front of him.

"Am I late?" Melanie sat down across from him.

"I'm early. Wanted to get us a good spot for conducting a business meeting." He grinned at her.

"So - business first, or lunch?"

"Let's get the business out of the way first, then we can have a relaxed meal."

Pausing as the waiter poured her a coffee, Melanie had a good idea which quote he would accept.

"This was a really easy choice to make. You've sold me. I'll take the second option with the homeowners policy and attached builders risk. We're breaking ground on Monday."

"Okay. I'll arrange to have the coverage bound as of Monday morning and you'll have your policy within thirty days. By the way, you know that we could have accomplished this by one simple phone call, right?"

"Yeah, but then I would have missed lunch with my favorite pal." His grin was wide, and almost triumphant.

The waiter had been keeping an eye on their table and when she had closed her briefcase, he approached and asked if they were ready to order.

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