“Yes… you. That night in Santa Monica was the last time I got laid.” Kyle whispered. No freaking way. That can’t be, I mean Kyle is pretty hot. The bad boy with the buzz-cut hair, now with tattoos and those beautiful hazel eyes which I’m sure melts women—it used to turn me into a puddle of goo—why choose to be celibate?

Duh, you know why.

“You’re joking right? That’s crazy long ago. Having sexual problems young man?” Trying to make light of the situation because I’m totally freaked out—for a man to do something like that—is very serious. Guys just don’t give up sex for no reason.

“Figured that I did so much damage with you and I don’t want to ruin any chances anymore. I want you back. I don’t care much about sex with other women. I just want you and I want the next time to be with you.” Finishing the last hook and eye, he softly caressed my shoulder with the back of his finger.

“That’s pretty loaded Kyle…”

“Don’t worry….no need to rush. I just love being with you,” he whispered softly in my ear.

“I saw him today, you know and he hates me.” Him as in Blake Knightly.

“He doesn’t hate you—the man is just hurt because you rejected him. I don’t think that sits well with a man like Blake. I don’t think he knows what rejection feels like and you dished it out to him. He’ll get over it.”

Why does everyone tell me that Blake will eventually “get over it”? Have they seen how much the man has changed? How much he loathes me? His eyes practically sliced me into two. And he totally looked hot…I’m such a charity case.

“Who knows if he’s been rejected? Not many can resist him you know. Apart from his vast wealth, the man is a walking sex on a stick.” My heart palpitated with thoughts of Blake with women again. Crap, this has got to stop.

“Exactly, you don’t want that do you? You should think about the future and what you want. I know you’re still recovering and you’re doing a great job. But you have to let it go, Sienna. It’s not healthy.” I turned around and faced Kyle.

“You mean it’s time for me to move on and consider you and me again?” I looked him straight in the eye.

“Yes…that too. I love you and I’ve been in love with you since I was ten I think. I told my mom that very same day that I was going to marry you someday. I want to marry you today, tomorrow…it doesn’t matter. I’m nuts about you. We have history—just think about it? Promise me that, will you?”

“Marry you today or tomorrow?” I joked and tapped the tip of his nose.

“Sure. I’d love to. I can’t stop loving you…or wanting you baby. I’ve tried and it was pointless. I know you’re not ready to get married yet—so all I’m asking you is to start really thinking about us. How about a trial period? Two weeks or a month? See if you can be with me, that’s all I ask. Promise me you will consider it?”

I smiled at his pleading face. “Okay, okay. If you’re that desperate to be with me, then I promise to think about it.”

He laughed, making his eyes twinkle. “God you’re awesome!” He bent over to kiss me on the lips. “Now, get your fine sexy self ready or else we’ll be crazy late to the gig.”

“Fine, then go wait for me outside so I can finish up faster.” I shooed him out of the room.

I gathered up and slipped on my lace-up knee-high black boots and started with my heavy lined make-up. Leaving my dark wavy hair down, few pumps of my Coco Mademoiselle perfume and gathered my clutch purse.

“I’m ready,” I called out to Kyle. Maybe I can be ready to be with Kyle again. We’ll see how things unfold.

First, I need my beloved Chad to emerge from his coma.



Entering the famed French Restaurant on Baker Street, I politely declined the offer of the maitre d’ for assistance. I knew Lucy and Toby were waiting impatiently.

They’ve been calling and texting like mad for the past ten minutes. I’m late and I didn’t mean to be. But Ivanna took her sweet time while getting ready. Ivanna’s the Nordic beauty from the plane. The woman was uncontainable on the way back from Italy. I obliged her pouty requests. I f**ked her twice and the invitation for her to join me and my friends for dinner sprouted out of nowhere. Are you sure it wasn’t because there’s a possibility of her joining us for dinner? Possibly, I just knew I couldn’t go in there defenseless.

The minute I found their table, Lucy’s eyes buggered out. “Lucy, Toby this is my companion for tonight, Ivanna.” Luce and Toby greeted her politely as we took our seats.

“So Ivanna, tell me—how did you two meet?” Her bright blue eyes were inquisitive as she took a long lengthy sip of her red wine.

“Oh we met today—I was his stewardess for Italy and he swept me off my feet. It was love at first sight.” Ivanna flashed her winning white smile at me while I paled from her retort.

Love? What the f**k is this woman on?

Luce choked on her wine and covered her mouth with the silk napkin as she coughed. She took a sip of water and cleared her throat. “Love at first sight you say? That’s epic. Congratulations you two! I’m so happy you’ve finally found your one true love, Blake. I knew you’ve been scouring the streets of London to no avail and finally….here you are—at last.” Her voice dripped with her usual sweetness and a trace of sarcasm. She looked furious.

“Lucy!” Toby warned her with a quick glance before returning to Ivanna. “That’s splendid! I’m happy for you both,” he said with his usual charming demeanor.

“Thank you! Isn’t that great baby? They already like me!” the delusional woman went on. Christ, had I known she was going to rant like a rambling floozy, I wouldn’t have invited her. But now, I’m stuck with her for the rest of the night while Lucy’s eyes throw daggers at me.

“Let’s order, shall we?” I distracted myself with the menu as they discussed what to order.

When dinner was served, we spoke about Chad and the business world. The whole time Ivanna was compliant and kept touching my thigh which never failed to distract my attention and it made me halt a few times mid sentence. Lucy’s laser eyes saw where her hand kept reaching out and I reddened under her scrutiny.

Thank god she kept her opinions to herself without making snide remarks. Lucy’s a sweet girl but try crossing her and it’s game over. Her attention kept diverting back to her phone and she would smile once in awhile whilst reading the messages.

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