“Why are you smiling like that, who are you talking to?” Toby asked her.

Her vibrating phone became a nuisance.

“Oh, I just found out about this new fave band that I love. They’re playing tonight. We’re going there after we’re finished to enjoy live music and company. Do you two lovebirds want to come and join us?” she asked sweetly.

“Sure, count us in.” Ivanna gave me a quick peck on the cheek. “This is going to be a fun night!” she crooned with her think accent. Christ, can she be any more annoying? I hate being fondled in front of an audience.

“Sounds….lovely,” Luce murmured drily.

After dinner, I had Richard drive us to our next destination. We slid out of the Bentley and Ivanna linked her arm with mine as we entered the punk rock-like atmosphere. The band that Lucy was talking about already started playing. They sounded good and a large crowd milled around the stage.

We were seated in a booth that gave us a great view of the stage. Toby took the liberty of ordering us alcohol and I was relieved to get away from Ivanna’s clasping hands. I could easily brush her off, but I didn’t feel like being much of a brute tonight. It’s been a long day. The visit in Italy took another toll on me. My uncle had a heart attack. He’s stable now—but needs to rest. My aunt was barely hanging in there. I was trying to figure out a way to make things easier for them when the lead singer’s voice boomed over the microphone after their song.

“I want to invite a very good friend of ours up here. He helped us out and signed our band. He became a very good friend and we found out that he can seriously jam. Kyle Matthews get your bloody arse up here!” The crowd applauded and hooted for the “guest.” The bloody f**k emerged and went up on stage.

I tensed and looked accusingly at Lucy and Toby who had his hands held up. “Had no clue mate, don’t look at me.”

“Lighten up will you? Now, hush. I want to hear this one out,” Lucy ordered.

Damn, I should’ve seen this coming when she invited us to go somewhere tonight. Lucy’s on Sienna side and it didn’t take much to realize that this is Lucy’s way of punishing me for being so crass of late.

“Hello,” the smiling idiot said on the microphone. “This is my first time playing with a large crowd, so I beg you guys to be patient. I’m going to play Somewhere in between by Lifehouse.” Strapping the guitar on his shoulder, sat down and strummed it a few times before speaking again.

“This is song’s for Sienna—the love of my life. Remember what you promised.” He winked at someone in the audience and I examined the crowd looking for her. I found her sitting in another booth across the room smiling up to him. The room was dark but I could see her sappy looking face.

What did she promise him? What the hell!

“Goodness, he’s going to serenade her! Right in front of all these people! How romantic! Sienna’s probably peeing in her knickers just about now.” Lucy’s excitement piqued my increasing annoyance of the damning situation.

The f**king wanker’s going in for the kill and she looks like she’s eating it all up. I wanted to throw something at him to shut his gob.

He started to play the guitar and sang. His soft raspy voice lulled the audience to silence.

I can't meet

Losing sleep over this

No I can't

And now I cannot stop pacing

Give me a few hours

I'll have this all sorted out

If my mind would just stop racing...

“Gosh, did any of you know that he can actually sing? What a lovely voice! Is it just me or has Kyle gotten edgier? Look at all those tats. It looks incredible,” Luce gushed with amazement.

Who cares? I wanted to yell at her. Ivanna even looked mesmerized at the crooning bloke. Women turn gaga over men singing with their guitars strapped on. The bad boy appeal, perhaps? Even the sweet proper Lucy simply looked awestruck. Bloody women.

“Try not to gawk at the poor bloke love—he might get struck by lightning—I’m sure he doesn’t need any more trouble other than the wrath of Blake—that alone is deadly,” Toby jested. He wasn’t even jealous when his girlfriend admired another man. I wish I was that confident when I was with Sienna.

This is over my head

But underneath my feet

Cause by tomorrow morning I'll have this thing beat

And everything will be back to the way that it was

I wish that it was just that easy

My eyes landed back on Sienna. I took in her sexy ensemble. She looked provocative and racy with that red and black lace corset. God, she looks sultry and utterly fascinating. She can pull-off any bloody look. How does she do that? She can look divine and sophisticated with her a-line dresses and pearls then look like a cowgirl next without much ado. Fuck, her br**sts look like they’re about to topple over. Did she dress up for him? My thoughts countered. Bloody f**k, I hate her!

Cause I'm waiting for tonight

Been waiting for tomorrow

I'm somewhere in between

What is real, just a dream

I felt a heavy ache sitting on my chest. I want her so badly it hurts to breathe but hell will freeze over before I succumb to Sienna again. I won’t let her hurt me that way again.

I felt Ivanna’s hand on my thigh again and smiled. It was a good call to bring her with me or I would’ve bloody dragged Sienna out of here before she could blink twice. I still had the inkling to do so, but my pride prevented me and rationalized my thinking.

When Kyle finished his song, he said thanks and left the stage. The audience seemed to love him. I watched him like a hawk as he strolled towards her. He picked her up and kissed her quickly on the lips as he twirled her around.

How cozy, it looks like they’re back together, I thought drily as I took another swig of my drink, Belvedere on the rocks.

Luce and Toby excused themselves and made their way towards the inseparable couple. Ivanna’s hand kept going upwards until she reached my crotch and massaged it. “You know you’re a very sexy man Blake.” I shrugged, smiling at her. “You are. I can’t stop touching you.” She pouted her lips and tried to catch my attention.

I bet my bank account appealed more to her no doubt. She’s dressed in a silver sheath short dress with her platinum blonde hair and silver grey eyes that made her look like she came right out of the fashion runway. She’s gorgeous and she knows how to use that to her advantage. Although she’s a tad delusional…I might just keep her around if she can manage to not spout crazy notions about her and me. Or I can just drop her and properly pursue Camilla—if I can get my act together.

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