His amused eyes landed on mine and he shook his head.  “Not going to happen, babe.”

Before I could say anything else, he grabbed my hand again and directed us to his bike.  He handed me a helmet and indicated for me to put it on.

Again, I argued.  “Tell me where we’re going.”

“Got a place I want to show you.”  He pointed at the helmet and then the bike.  “Put it on and get on the bike.”

I assessed the situation and decided it was just going to be easier to do what he said so I did.  Moments later his bike roared to life and we took off.  I held onto him tightly and eventually relaxed.  Having grown up around bikes my whole life, I loved being on the back of one.  And being on the back of J’s, with my arms wrapped around him, felt amazing.  Exhilarating.  It felt like I was home, and I had no idea where that thought came from, but it was what was swirling around my mind.

Just under an hour later, he pulled the bike off the road and killed the engine.  We were at Mt Glorious.  It was beautiful but I was curious as to why he’d brought me here.  He led me along a path until we eventually came to a small clearing.  I’d been to Mt Glorious before; it was a great ride on a bike.  But I’d never been to this particular part of it.  The view was stunning.  We could see out across the valley and it was just beautiful.  There was no-one else around and the sounds of any cars were muted by the bush.  There really was only one word to describe what my senses were getting from all of this; peace.  It was peaceful here and it calmed me.

J was watching me quietly while I took all of this in.  Finally, I looked at him and asked, “Why are we here, J?”

He nodded slowly.  “This is where I come when I need to clear the shit out of my head.”

“Okay,” I said, waiting for him to go on.

“I’ve been coming here a lot over the last six months.”

I raised my eyebrows.  “Had a lot of shit to clear out, I take it.”

His mouth curved up slightly in a small grin.  “Yeah, you could say that, babe.”

“Okay, so tell me.  What’s this got to do with me?”

“Everything.”  He was watching me intently.  It looked like he had a lot to say but he was holding back for some reason.

“Goodness, J.  You need to get to the point.  I don’t have the patience today to -“

He cut me off.  “This is where I decided to make you mine.”  His words were rough but tender if that was even possible.

Whoosh.  The butterflies took hold of my stomach at those words.  I was speechless.

He continued.  “Been thinking about you for the past six months, Madison.  Can’t get you out of my fucking mind.  So, I’ve been coming here to think.  Last night, after I screwed the fuck up with you, I came here.  And I decided you’d be mine before today was over.”

He was so bossy.  I’d never had a guy like J before, but standing there, listening to him claim me like a caveman, I knew that I was ruined for all men.  J was going to ruin me and consume me, and I was going to let him.

I moved into him at the same time that he reached his hand out and wrapped it around my neck to pull me closer.  Our lips found each other and he began to ruin me.  Our bodies were pressed together, our hands were on each other and I came alive under his touch.  Desire spread through me as I fought to get even closer to him, as I gave myself over to this kiss.

Eventually we pulled apart, but he kept a hold on me, keeping me close so that we were still touching.  “Fuck, babe.  Those lips of yours might be my fucking downfall.”

I smiled up at him; at his words.  And then my smile turned wicked.  “I think there’ll be other parts of me that might be your downfall.”

His eyes widened and then he shook his head, and muttered, “You might be fucking right there.”

“So, now that I’m yours, are you going to take me home and have your way with me?  Because, even though this will always be known as our special place, I’ve got to admit, I don’t really like to rough it.”

He moved his mouth close to my ear, and murmured, “I’d love to fuck you here, babe.  Out in the open; could be kinda hot.  But I totally get that you’re not a roughing it kind of chick.  And I want you completely fucking relaxed when I finally get those panties off you and my cock into you.”

Holy fuck, he had a dirty mouth.  And I fucking loved it.

I grabbed his hand and started walking us towards his bike.  When he slowed and pulled on my hand to slow me down, I turned and muttered, “Hurry up, J.  You’ve got a promise to fulfill.”

His face spread into a huge smile.  “Just making sure this is what you want, sweetheart.”

“Oh, so now, after you tell me how it’s going to be and promise your cock to me, you decide to see what I want.  Well, even though you’ve already decided for me, you can rest assured that I want this too.  But what I really, really want right now is for you to take your dirty mouth home and show me just what you can do with it.”

“Fuck me,” he growled, and with that he grabbed my hand and took me home.


September - Current Time

(Picks up where Storm finished, J has just returned)


“Babe, what the fuck happened to our bathroom?”

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