"Good! In that case we can let bygones be bygones and be friends,"

exclaimed Myra, and impulsively held out her hand.

Don Carlos raised her fingers to his lips and kissed them, and the

boyish smile came back to his face.

"Let me warn you, however, my dear Myra, that although I speak no word

of love, my heart and my eyes will be making love to you all the time,

and every fibre of my being will be loving you and longing for you," he

said. "I shall be planning new ways of overcoming your resistance and

inducing you to confess that you love me. Always my heart will be

calling and calling to you."

"As long as you do not badger me with your attentions, as you have been

doing, it will not concern me what is happening to your heart,"

remarked Myra, forcing a laugh. "You can even pretend to be

heartbroken, if you think the role will suit you."

"No, the role of broken-hearted, rejected suitor would not please me,"

laughed Don Carlos. "I shall be the strong, silent man, biding his

time, confident of eventually gaining his heart's desire. Meanwhile I

am congratulating myself on having made it possible to fulfil my boast

that I should be your fellow-guest in Scotland for the shooting."

"You have my leave to congratulate yourself as much as you like, Don

Carlos, and to hand yourself as many bouquets as you like," said Myra

smilingly, "but I shall hold you to your promise not to attempt to make

love to me."

"I promise you, Myra, I shall be as silent as a Trappist monk, so far

as talking love to you is concerned," Don Carlos assured her. "My

promise, however, only holds good for the duration of our stay in the

Highlands. After that----"

"Tony and I are going to be married in the Spring," interrupted Myra.

"I think not," said Don Carlos with great earnestness. "You will be

mine, dear heart, before the Spring flowers have finished blooming."

"Oh, please don't start being absurd again, just after promising to be

sensible!" protested Myra.

"You will be mine, dear heart, before the Spring flowers have finished

blooming," repeated Don Carlos. "Sweet lady, you may take that as

another promise made in all seriousness. I love you, and I have


"Let's change the subject, Don Carlos," interrupted Myra again.

"Oblige me by making your promise not to make love to me date from this


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