"I have called to offer my congratulations, dear lady," he said, in his

deep, caressing voice.

"Congratulations? On what, pray?" inquired Myra very coldly. "I

understood from Mr. Standish that you were calling to offer apologies

for having annoyed me."

"I have come to proffer both apologies and congratulations," said Don

Carlos slowly, twin imps of mischief dancing in his laughing eyes. "I

have come to tender my most humble apologies for having so far,

apparently, failed to melt your icy heart and fire it with the love

that burns within me; to congratulate you on being the first woman who

has ever taken exception to my making love to her. And to congratulate

you, also, on being such an excellent actress."

"Actress? What do you mean?"

"Your pretence of annoyance, dear lady, is such a fine piece of acting

that almost I am persuaded you are not in love with me and have steeled

your heart against me."

"Please go on being persuaded." Myra's tone was intended to be

sardonic. "So far it seems to me you have called to pay yourself

compliments instead of to offer apologies. Apparently you explained to

Mr. Standish that your love-making was intended as a compliment. Let

me tell you, Don Carlos, if that is so I want no more of your


"If I believed that, sweet lady, life would lose its savour and become

but a bleak existence," responded Don Carlos. "I prefer to believe

that you love, yet refrain, and that your complaint to your fiancé is

an indication that your resistance is weakening, that you fear unless

you are able to avoid me you will inevitably surrender to the call of


"Your overweening conceit would be laughable if it were not so

irritating," Myra retorted curtly. "I want to tell you bluntly that

unless you give me your word of honour not to attempt to make love to

me I shall refuse to go to Auchinleven if you are to be one of the

party, and that will leave Mr. Standish no alternative but to cancel

his invite to you--and explain to his friends that his reason is my

objection to you."

The smile died out of Don Carlos's eyes, and he regarded Myra gravely

and silently for a few moments.

"I promise you I shall not make love to you while we are in Scotland,"

he said at last. "It will be desperately hard to resist the

temptation, but I promise to refrain. And I never go back on a


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