“Yeah, it keeps me busy. Not much time for anything else these days.”

Valerie almost rolled her eyes and tried hard not to frown. She didn’t want him to get the idea that she still cared. No matter how busy he got she knew he found time for all the female attention.

“So, what else have you been up to, besides real estate?” His thumb caressed the outside of her hand gently. Valerie nearly lost her train of thought. Somehow, she managed to stay poised. Alex had never even tried to disguise the hunger in his eyes when he gazed at her. She’d always loved that about him, but at the moment she wished he’d stop. She was trying so hard to remain collected.

She shrugged casually. “I work a lot, too. The market’s been really hot lately. Writing up offers and showing properties takes up most of my time. It’s a good thing I got into it when I did, because I had no choice but to learn fast. It’s a piece of cake now, just time consuming.”

Alex seemed to hang on her every word.

“I’m not surprised, Val. You’ve always been so determined.” He glanced around “Can we talk somewhere more private?”

Her heart sped up. She’d thought about the possibility of Alex being his usual forward self. He certainly wasn’t wasting time but even with all the preparing she’d done for this moment she didn’t feel ready.

Apparently, it was a rhetorical question. Ready or not, Alex didn’t wait for an answer. They were already moving through the crowd and he held her hand tightly in his. The moment they were around the corner and out of the canopy area, where they were keeping all the boxes of soda and water bottles, he pulled her to him and kissed her. At first gently, holding her face in his big hands, as his tongue traced her lips slowly.

Valerie’s legs almost gave but she didn’t resist. She couldn’t. God, how she’d missed his kisses. She welcomed his tongue and kissed him back, to hell with the strong woman act.

When he felt her eagerness, he moaned and sucked her tongue with a hunger that matched what she’d seen in his eyes earlier. They kissed without restraint for a few lingering moments until Valerie managed to pull away long enough to catch her breath, her thoughts.

He gazed in her eyes, breathing hard. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. It’s been too long. I just couldn’t wait another moment.”

For a fleeting moment, he’d managed to daze her, but Valerie regained her composure, her wits. This was what he always did. She couldn’t start this all over again. She owed it to her mangled heart to stay away from Alex for good.

She pulled away from him and stepped back. “I can’t do this, Alex.”

“Do what?”

“Me and you.”

His eyes furrowed again and he took a step forward. “Is there someone else?”

She stared at him wondering what he’d think about the fact that she couldn’t even bring herself to sleep with someone else since she’d last been with him, let alone start up a relationship. The kiss made her realize just how much he still affected her. One more sweetheart out of him and she’d be tangling in his sheets tonight for sure. She had to stop this now.

“Actually, yes.”

Alex stopped cold. “There is?”

She nodded, holding her chin up, doing her best to appear convincing. Her only attempt to be with someone else had turned out to be such a disaster. But Alex didn’t have to know that.

“How long?” His expression was a mixture of anger and disappointment. He worked his chiseled jaw as he waited for her response.

She knew whatever attraction he had for her, even if only physical, she probably just killed. She’d always known her involvement with another man would be the end for them. He’d never tolerate it. But it was for the best and she stood her ground. “Not very long, a couple weeks maybe.”

Angel walked around the canopy area and stopped when he saw them facing off.

“Sorry, I just need to grab one of these.” He pointed at the boxes of bottled water. “I’ll get it and leave you two-”

“Nah, were done here.” Alex’s grave eyes never looked away from Valerie. “I’m happy for you, Val.” She took in his wonderfully masculine scent one last time as he walked by her toward Angel. “Need anything else?”

Angel picked up the box of waters and glanced around. “Yeah, grab one of those crates of champagne, will ya?”

Valerie stood there even after both Alex and Angel had walked back into the party. The hot tears burned in her eyes but she brushed them away, knowing she’d done the right thing. Letting Alex Moreno and the heartache that inevitably followed back in her life was the last thing she needed right now.

She dreaded walking back in the party and having to see him all night. Turned out her apprehension was for nothing. He’d apparently left and never came back. Valerie tried to enjoy the rest of the shower.

She couldn’t believe it was finally over. Valerie had been in love with this man since she was in high school. She’d only admitted it to herself a couple years ago, though. It suddenly made sense why no matter how long he disappeared, or how lame his excuses were, she was always so willing to work things out. He always had a way of melting her heart, and she craved him like she’d never craved another man in her life. But seeing him with another woman had done something to her. It broke her in a way she never wanted to be broken again.

Coming here today, she never imagined she’d leave feeling a hollowness in her heart that topped all the heartaches in her past. She was proud of herself for not falling for him all over again, but something had died inside her today. Seeing him again had been the final test and she’d done it. Finally, she killed that frail but stubborn, bit of hope that lingered for years. She just never figured doing so would hurt so damn much.

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