People began clinking their glasses. Valerie clutched her small purse and forced a smile when Sarah and Angel kissed.

She almost jumped when she felt his face at her ear and his hot body against her back. “You gonna say hello, Z?”

The suggestive murmur in such an otherwise ordinary question infuriated her as much as it spiked her senses. He’d only ever referred to her as Z when he was agitated with her for whatever reason. It was a football thing. They all called each other by their last names on the team and he’d imposed it on her but only when he was mad. He didn’t sound mad now. He sounded… amused?

That was just like him. He was probably enjoying seeing her squirm. She wouldn’t let him have the upper hand. Closing her eyes for a moment, she took a deep breath and then turned to face him with a smile. “Hello, Alex.”

“So, did I pour that for nothing?” Romero pointed at the shot he’d put out for Isabel.

Valerie took advantage to glance away from Alex’s penetrating eyes. “Romero, this is my roommate Isabel. Isabel this is Romero.”

Isabel softened her glare. “I thought it was Ramon?”

Valerie felt Alex’s big hand slip into hers and his thumb caressed her knuckles. It took everything in her power not to tremble.

“It’s Romero.” He said flatly and pushed the shot glass toward Isabel.

Isabel gave Valerie an exasperated look but reached for the shot glass anyway. She would deal with getting scolded later. She had more blaring things to deal with now.

She licked her teeth to make sure no lipstick was on them before she spoke again, and felt Alex squeeze her hand. His eyes watched her every move.

Her full attention was back on Alex. He was incredible, as usual. His loose dress shirt did nothing to conceal his hard chest and bulging muscles. It was impossible not to take it all in, so she admitted, “You look good.”

“Thank you. You look amazing.” His dark eyes stroked over her. “I’ve missed you.”

She gulped. Really? Was that all it took? Just hours ago she was convinced she was over him and she now felt ready to swoon over three little words. Could she be more pathetic?

His fingers were still playing with her hand and it completely unnerved her. She thought about what she and Isabel had gone over in the car all the way there. Play it cool. Indifference is the key. You’re no longer interested, haven’t been in over a year. She’d laughed at Isabel’s unnecessary worrying. Now she was irritated at herself for not having taken the preparation more seriously. Before she could recover from his remarks, he threw yet another nerve dagger at her.

“Have you missed me?” The intensity in his eyes was exactly as she remembered. It hadn’t lessened at all. If anything, it was even more acute than ever.

He stood so close to her now she could smell the hint of tequila and lime on his breath, feel the tension in his body. Her phone rang. She couldn’t have been more grateful for the timing. Alex was still waiting for a response. She reached for her purse and fished her phone out. It was Luke.

“I gotta take this. Luke?”

Alex’s eyebrow shot up.

She began to walk away, when Alex’s grip on her hand tightened.

“Valerie,” Luke sounded a bit anxious. “I’m sorry to be calling. I know you said you’d be at a party today. I won’t keep you long. I just need to know if you have a key to the Lemon Ridge property, the warehouse specifically. Trinity took my only spare and I can’t find mine.”

Valerie had a hell of a time focusing on what Luke was saying. He’d spoken much too fast and Alex’s eyes had been on her, eyebrows slightly furrowed the entire time. She’d gotten the gist of what Luke had said and cleared her throat. “Yes, I do. You need them now?”

“No, tomorrow.” She heard the relief in Luke’s voice. “I can pick them up in the morning if you want. You don’t have to come into the office.”

“No, that’s okay I was planning on going in for a few hours anyway.”

Luke thanked her and as promised, didn’t keep her on the phone. The moment she hung up Alex spoke up.


She smirked and lifted a shoulder, offering no explanation. Alex was never one to hide his possessiveness. Something that she wasn’t ashamed to admit she’d found exciting at times. But she wasn’t getting pulled back in. Not this time. She made her decision long ago when she decided to finally give up on Alex and move on with her life.

Alex didn’t push, didn’t say anything for a moment. His eyes were so piercing. Her stronger, more self-assured act was beginning to wane.

“I hear you’re working on your broker’s license now. Didn’t you just get your real estate license?”

Valerie smiled, glad for the safe subject. “It’s been almost a year, Alex. But I have to be an agent for at least two years. I have another year to go. You know me. I’m starting to get my ducks in a row so as soon as that two year mark hits, I’m on it.”

“Yeah, I know you. And I’ve no doubt you’ll get it and run with it.”

He flashed that beautiful smile of his. The dimples alone should be illegal. The way his smile enhanced his already incredible features was just so unfair. Valerie stood firmly, not wanting him to see how just one smile from him nearly crushed her resolve. She cleared her throat again.

“So, how have you been? I hear the restaurant is doing great.”

His eyes had been on her lips the entire time she spoke. She kept her chin up, pretending not to notice. Except her eyes betrayed her and she couldn’t look away when he licked his bottom lip. She gulped hard and glanced back at his eyes. He’d caught her looking and his lips slowly curved up on one side. The dimples appeared again, taunting her. Copyright 2016 - 2024