"Yeah I'd say several million was a somewhat fair estimate, still a poor thing to lose your life over."

He tilted his hand back and let the dust fall back to the ground. There was another doorway and he walked across the expanse of the room to it, "Bingo!"

I heard him say and I cringed inwardly. Stepping up to the door I saw that it wasn't gold that had grabbed his interest, but the finely plastered walls that were adorned with several revealing murals. Very revealing!

I kept a nonchalant face, as he meticulously photographed everything! I had to destroy that camera! He seemed to be done. He started pulling small objects out of his pack and began slapping them to the walls. What was he doing? And then it dawned on me, they were explosives.

I looked at the beautiful murals and I felt like protesting, even though for the treasure's sake it was a good thing for this place to be destroyed.

He came up to me and he must have read my face, "Yes, I know it's terrible, but it's the best thing all around and has to be done in this situation."

"You really are going to destroy the treasure aren't you?"

"Yes, Lisa I am."

He took my hand and led me out the way we had come in, slapping explosives to the walls as he went. As we resurfaced back out into the heat and daylight I noticed that the camera had disappeared to somewhere.

He got into the Landrover, as did I and we left. He stopped a short distance off and brought out a control from a pocket, with his face looking decidedly grim he pushed the red button on it.

The sounds of the explosives going off were surprisingly muffled. The piled up sands of the encroaching dune cascaded down into the shattered space of the old caravan stop. When the dust settled there was nothing left to see, but the endless sand dunes all around us. Another part of the past was gone forever.

Flint started driving again and for awhile I really didn't care where he was driving me. But after awhile that wore off, when I realized that we weren't headed back the way we had come. We were going deeper into the desert.

I looked over at him curiously, "Why aren't we going back? You got what you came for didn't you?"

"Yeah I think I got what I needed, but I thought it would be safer to head this way than to take the same route back, as we might have been followed."

I glanced back behind us and then did a double take at the dust cloud being kicked up in the distance, by at least five spread out vehicles behind us. I turned back to Flint, as alarm went through me at the knowledge that we were already being followed!

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