Flint was flashing the beam of his flashlight all over the place taking in the room filled with salt. I caught glimpses of boyish delight all over his face and I stated, "You really like doing this don't you? Discovering the past, whether it's a fortune in gold or just a pile of salt."

I saw him grin big. "In another life I think I would have liked to have been a Biblical archeologist. This case has been a bit of a dream come true for me and just for your information this isn't just a big pile of salt. Granted a road salt company in New England might only give you a couple of bucks for a pile of salt like this today, but back in the day this stuff was currency!

During Roman times, the officials rarely had the extra gold needed to pay their legionaries so they paid them with salt, which is where the common phrase 'worth your salt' comes from. This pile of salt was a veritable fortune back then."

"I stand corrected then, not just a pile of salt."

His face turned sheepish looking, "Sorry I just love history and this kind of stuff, didn't mean to fill your ear with useless information."

"I don't mind. I like how knowledgeable and history savvy you are. I bet you'll make really smart kids."

He coughed and gave me a look of, 'what did you say'. I just smiled and gestured my head toward a portal doorway on the other side of the large salt room, "Shall we continue the expedition Dr. Jones?"

I brushed past him toward the doorway, but he caught me and I glanced up into his darkened features. I didn't fear the tight hold he had on my arms or the impassioned state I could tell he was in.

It was actually kind of exciting feeling his power, as well as his barely leashed control over himself. I felt him reign himself in and again, I marveled at the kind of man that he was. He had me alone far from any form of help and he could do anything he wanted to me and yet I'd never felt safer with a man.

Gruffly, he spoke as he let go, "When this is over…" he left the rest unsaid and turned to the other open doorway, but I understood what he meant.

I wanted it too. I followed him into the next room; it was a match of the salt room, except this room was empty, that is except for the glittering display of shiny dust lying upon the floor.

Flint knelt down and scooped up a handful of the dust and shined the beam of the flashlight onto the contents of his palm. The dust was literally laced with bright shiny gold flecks.

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