"This treasure isn't measured in millions or even billions! It's in the high trillions, perhaps more! What do you think will happen, when any of the players involved find out the significance of the part you play in finding the treasure? They will torture you in ways you have never imagined! They'll break you and you'll tell them everything you know! And even then they won't let you die. They'll keep you alive like a lab rat, as they try to isolate some kind of smartness gene that can be traced back to Solomon and just like your father I bet you've hardly ever had a sick day in your life! What do you think your liver alone is worth on the black market of gene and organ therapy treatments? They'll steal your treasure and then whatever secrets your body has. They'll justify everything they do to you by their own screwed up wacko reasoning that the ends justify the means! They'll do all that and more to you unless I can make such a mess of destroying the treasure that everyone will firmly believe that it's out of play forever and that you went with it!"

Touched beyond words could ever express, I stared at him thoughtfully.

"What did they do to you?" I asked softly.

"Enough!" was all he said.


He looked at me, emotion still high in his face, "I love you too and because I love you and trust you more than anyone else I'm going to tell you something. Remember what you said earlier about wishing that the Earth would open up and swallow the treasure?"

He nodded, studying me carefully, "Well, something like that will happen to the treasure, if they try to take it."

He looked at me, puzzled. "You're actually giving me a hint?"

I shook my head no, "Consider it a warning, a sort of heads up when the time comes, if it comes. One more thing, run left. Everyone else will run right, but you need to run left. That is very important!"

He nodded, "Thank you Lisa, I'm not sure for what, but I thank you. Now get back over here!"

I let my face assume a regal pose and my voice deepened. "Do you presume to command a Queen?"

His eyes lit up in an entirely different way, "Now that is down right sexy! But yes, in answer to your question, dear Candace, I do so presume!"

I giggled as he scooted me back across the seat against him.

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