Flint fell silent and I straightened up a little, but I kept his arm around me, liking the secure weight of it. I turned my head to see him studying me indepthly and I flushed a little at the intentness of his look.

"Could you please answer one question of mine?" He asked softly and I didn't say no, so he took that as a yes.

"Do you really have the Queen of Sheba's blood in you?"

I stared into his eyes seeing the genuiness of his question on a deeply personal level; I nodded and breathed out a, "Yes."

"Seeing you explains why Solomon went so nuts over her. You're so beautiful! I think you only improved on her good image."

A little embarrassed, I ducked my head down, "I wouldn't say that." I mumbled softly.

"I would!" He said, just before he pulled my head back up to kiss me. Drawing back after a while he husked out, "I wish the Earth would just open up and swallow this treasure of yours so we could just move on past this!"

"Why don't you just give this quest up? The treasures remained hidden for so long it's doubtful that it will ever be found. Just give up looking for it and let the other players in this game spend their time and money looking for it uselessly!"

"I can't!"

"Why?" I implored.

"Because of something that's come up." He said stubbornly.

I shook my head, "Flint, if you think my father is any closer to finding the treasure than anyone else who's looking for it, you're wrong! The treasure is safe! You don't have to worry about it. You can stop looking for it."

Flint shook his head no as his hand grip on the flight stick tightened.

I sat back angrily from him, "You can't or won't stop looking for it? Have you been lying to me? Are you really after it for yourself like everyone else?"

His head turned to me and I could see just how angry my words had made him, but I was angry too!

"Can't!" was all he bit out.

"Why?" I asked forcefully jerking his head back around to me.

He seemed to explode; "Because I love you!" he said explosively.

Stunned, I stared at him in a sort of dazed shock. Had he really just said that? I knew he wanted me, even liked me, but love? Love meant so much more. Love meant commitment, babies, forever!

He must have read my look of surprise wrong, because he continued on angrily and his next words proved that he loved me.

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