I blinked my eyes open and immediately squinted them against the glare of the sun coming through the portal window. My eyes refocused enough to see that I was lying beside of Flint half draped over him. Blushing, I scrambled back and awkwardly got to my feet.

"Was I sleeping on you like that all night?" He sat up smiling and, obviously, the answer was that I had been.

I brushed my hair to the sides of my face overcome by how hedonistic I seemed to have become suddenly, "I'm sorry!"

"Don't be. I rather enjoyed it." He said, getting up.

I moved to step back, but he kissed me first. He was always kissing me it seemed. Not that I minded it all that much.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." I mumbled back in reply.

"We'll be landing in an hour so you might want to freshen up."

I nodded and went to the rear of the plane.

Customs was a hassle, was the best way of putting it. I thought we were through with it, when a short little man rushed forward.

"Senor James what a pleasure to see that you have come to visit us again! Tell me, who is the lovely lady?"

"Enrique, may I have the honor of introducing Mrs. Kilroy to you." Flint said with a flourish and I smiled warmly on cue, as the little man went into double time in his never ending speal of best wishes, my overwhelming beauty, how lucky Flint was, whom he called James, and how lucky I was.

Flint cut into the ever expanding monologue, "Enrique, this being my wife's first time to your country, I wonder if you could help us expedite the process of getting her paper work done?"

"Oh, but of course! It is but the least I can do for an old friend. Come this way Senora Kilroy."

I followed the little man as he led us to a separate booth and pulled out a thick sheaf of papers.

"I just need your signature, Senora, on these papers and you're free to go enjoy all that our fair country has to offer with your new husband."

I looked at the pile of papers and leafed through a few. They were all in Spanish. I glanced at Flint seeking help and he nodded that it was okay so I started signing my life away. For all I knew I could be signing my confession to a murder.

With that done, we moved out and into the city. I had a strange feeling of being watched and glanced back. Yeah, we were being followed.

I glanced at Flint, "Yeah, I know, sightseeing is gonna have to wait, honey. I'll bring you back someday, I promise. Hold onto my hand."

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