I sank into the leather upholstery. It was luxuriously comfortable, but I was tired of sitting and slightly nervous about what lay ahead. Okay, I was a lot nervous. Flint crashed down into the seat beside me and started reclining the seat all the way back folding up the armrests on my seat and his at the same time, which was annoying since I had been using mine.

"You know these seats recline all the way."

"I'm aware of that!" I snapped out moodily.

My seat started going backward and I clenched my jaw, as my seat came level with his. "You need to relax; it's a long flight to Barcelona."

"I don't like flying!"

"Hey, hey, simmer down; I have just the distraction you need."

"And what's that?" I said tersely turning to look at him.

"Me" He said as he pulled me over onto his seat and started kissing me.

Dimly something registered to me as if from a long way away. I broke contact and glanced around the cab of the plane, "We're moving!"

"Give the girl a cupid doll!"

"I'm serious! Shouldn't we put on our seatbelts or something?"

He pulled me back down and said, "You worry too much." And started kissing me all over again.

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