I stopped the car and got out to close the garage door and relocked it. If I let the street people or hoodlums in this area have the stuff all I would be doing is feeding their drug habits and other addictions. I didn't need that on my conscious too.

I pulled away from the run down area and thankfully traffic seemed to open up for me and I was soon driving free out on the open road as the sun started to dip below the horizon.

In that moment it would have been nice to just keep driving and leave everything behind. Start over somewhere else.

It was an over powering feeling, but I stifled it. Rafferty deserved everything I could do to see that whoever had ordered the hit was brought to justice. It was a long way to North Carolina and I didn't have a lot of time, so I let the needle rise hoping the patrol cops were off eating a donut somewhere.

The man at the ferry looked at me and then shrugged, "I hope you know what you're doing lady. That island ain't the friendliest by all accounts, but you've paid me more than enough to take you there."

"Thank you." I said getting out of my car.

I walked to the railing of the small ferry and stared out at the waters of the sound ahead and the offshore islands that dotted the outer coastline of the Outer Banks.

It took a little over an hour to get to the little ferry dock on the island. There were no buildings, just the dock. The ferry man opened up the gate and I walked up to him.

"Will you wait for me?" I asked.

The ferry man looked uncomfortable and looked like he was about to say no. I reached out and touched his arm lightly, "Please!" I begged softly. He looked down and then back up, as if he was weighing me in the balances.

Then finally he spoke, "You look like a nice girl. I can't imagine why you would want to come here!" He seemed to be waiting for an answer, so I told him the truth.

"A friend of mine was killed. I think I may be able to find out from someone on this island who it was who killed my friend."

"Lady, the people that killed your friend could be on this island!"

"I know, I won't ask you to wait long, just a few hours, please?"

He sighed and slapped his pant leg hard disgustedly. "All right, I'll wait for you for two hours only, but not here. I'll wait offshore and if I see you drive up alone, I'll come back."

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